The Dance of Reality (Jodorowsky)

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The Dance of Reality (Jodorowsky)

Post by Roshan »

It seems we kind of fell into watching this movie as a group.

And here we are.

It's $4.99 to rent, 'someone' may have a more economical way; it's related to this thread, and it should be noted that yes, Jodorowsky did study with Ichazo back in the day and E. symbolism is a big part of 'The Holy Mountain'.

But...we're watching his more recent and more lush autobiographical masterpiece.
Last edited by Roshan on Wed Feb 23, 2022 6:23 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: The Dance of Reality (Jodorowsky)

Post by e-ssam »

It was a very frustrating watch at certain points. lot of points :derby:
I liked a lot of moments in the film, the (beginning of the) plague and the scenes between Alejandro & Jaime in the beginning are memorable and worked out very well tonally (walking the line between serious and 'parody')
But other times it went on meandering 'philosophical' monologues followed by "literal" and oftentimes gruesome imagery to "demonstrate" that monologue, particularly with the mother. As if the monologue didn't make it clear enough, nor did the literalness, nor did the tone. The tasing (quite literally so too :ninja: ), did not feel like icing on the cake nor as drifting away, just repetitious.
Which is interesting because, the way the film is within the "parts" imo is very repetitious but as a whole is not and is pretty much "everywhere"

The father/son relation, the father's journey, the son with the kids, the mother as the life giver, the shaman at the sea. It covers a lot of terrain but does not hone in "enough" for me.
Which is the most frustrating part also the "point", I suppose.
Embrace everything, embrace the grotesque, embrace humanity and tear down the "shallow distinctions".
Which is, yeah, sure.
But at least make that circus show a community, not a bunch of weirdos who so happen to be grouped together :ugh:
Last edited by e-ssam on Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:12 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Dance of Reality (Jodorowsky)

Post by e-ssam »

That's the difference between Fellini's circus dance & Jodorosky's imo
No one really dances together, despite the title.

Last edited by e-ssam on Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

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