I take the thread title from somersaults. aka tumblesaults, and also psalters.
Does anyone know what MBTI iteration this kid's using?
(I assume anyone working on tumblr to be under the age of their 'Saturn return' and especially with those particular tarot images).
Akhronmant the Functionsalter
Akhronmant the Functionsalter
Last edited by Roshan on Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Akronmant the Functionsalter
It may just be pure Jung?
S/he may just be laying out the orientations the way Jung said they would fall?
S/he may just be laying out the orientations the way Jung said they would fall?
Re: Akhronmant the Functionsalter
hmmm....well, this kid has sections on both MBTI AND socionics so...
will have to see.
will have to see.
Last edited by Roshan on Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- -Sarah-
- Posts: 249
- Joined: Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:07 pm
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Re: Akhronmant the Functionsalter
I haven't read their explanations yet, but from the cards, it looks like they order the functions by:
Lead(1st) - Demostrative(6th) - PolR(7th) - Inferior(4th)
So when they say INFP, they mean the socionics INFp (NiFe).
ENFJ (ENFj) is Fe(1st) - Ne(6th) - Si(7th) - Ti(4th)
First two functions are the strongest and the last two functions the weakest (according to socionics strength of dimenstionality of the functions).
Of course, that's if they use a similar definition and understanding of what we mean by demo, PolR, etc.
I'll need to read more of their system.
Lead(1st) - Demostrative(6th) - PolR(7th) - Inferior(4th)
So when they say INFP, they mean the socionics INFp (NiFe).
ENFJ (ENFj) is Fe(1st) - Ne(6th) - Si(7th) - Ti(4th)
First two functions are the strongest and the last two functions the weakest (according to socionics strength of dimenstionality of the functions).
Of course, that's if they use a similar definition and understanding of what we mean by demo, PolR, etc.
I'll need to read more of their system.
I really like things I don't understand: when I read a thing I don't understand I feel a sweet and abysmal vertigo. - Clarice Lispector, Água Viva