Just putting this up in kind of draft fashion and please add on other ones you can think of. Will consolidate soon.
1. Everyone keeps an sp list and it's the top priority.
2. Check the "new posts" feature at the top of the home page and the weekly agenda (priorities) list when you come here. If you can't keep up with the priorities communicate on that list, in the group pm, on your sp thread, or privately to admin.
3. Check the forum on a regular basis (daily is preferable). Participate regularly. Don't care to define what that means, especially as it will vary from person to person and depending on other obligations. The big thing is to expect and encourage communication about it.
4. Nothing from the private forum or group pm leaves there without permission of person who wrote or said it. Unless it's something like Karl Ove Knaussgard being triple attached or some such. We don't want to operate on a punitive system but repeating private information will be cause for at very least a warning and disseminating anything from there by copy paste or screen shot will be cause for temporary to permanent ban depending on the content.
5. Bring disputes to attention of admin for resolution, including if you have a dispute or feel one coming with one admin bring that to the attention of the other one. If you feel you have a dispute with both admin try to explain it cogently in the group chat (or if you want start a thread in the private section) so we can all assess together.
Please add on or comment below.
Guidelines for the Forum
Guidelines for the Forum
Last edited by Roshan on Tue Oct 12, 2021 6:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Guidelines for the Forum
Another guideline is attribution. We DO want this site and EF to be brought to a wider audience, as much as possible, but only as appropriate. (Your local Christian Enneagram group doesn't and shouldn't know about subwings). So attribute and link. This 'do' has a pretty heavy 'don't'. Don't spread other people's ideas from here as your own, don't quote from here without attribution, etc. It's certainly difficult at times to distinguish what's 'from here' from what's just out there in the Zeitgeist, or for that matter, what's yours, but, for example, if you want to discuss Tori as a Two the materials should be linked because no one else but us thinks this let alone attempts to demonstrate it. If you forget to attribute sometimes, it's normal, but just remember this board isn't secret nor has any desire to be, and neither was EF. That's why there are public AND private sections.
This all leads to membership. If people you know are interested in joining the board you should tell them to familiarize themselves first (which includes EF) to make sure they're sure. You should also tell them to expect us to want to discuss with them first. And obviously if you want someone to join the board don't just tell them to apply; talk to us first.
If you're spending significant time on other typology forums, we should know about it because presumably that's contributing to the formation of your ideas and they're getting a good dose of ours too, Or even if you're pretty silent there, presumably it's a pretty good source or you wouldn't be there so....let us know.
This all leads to membership. If people you know are interested in joining the board you should tell them to familiarize themselves first (which includes EF) to make sure they're sure. You should also tell them to expect us to want to discuss with them first. And obviously if you want someone to join the board don't just tell them to apply; talk to us first.
If you're spending significant time on other typology forums, we should know about it because presumably that's contributing to the formation of your ideas and they're getting a good dose of ours too, Or even if you're pretty silent there, presumably it's a pretty good source or you wouldn't be there so....let us know.
Last edited by Roshan on Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Guidelines for the Forum
Add in the 'settling down' as discussed in pm.
(in progress)
(in progress)
Re: Guidelines for the Forum
Settling Down
We've discussed this at length among us but in brief, you shouldn't participate on the forum unless you're settled down. This means sitting down somewhere where you can concentrate (so not at a bus stop during rush hour), and preferably, though not necessarily, on a laptop (or desktop) rather than a phone.
If you don't know you have at least a good fifteen minutes to be settled, you probably shouldn't check the forum at all. 'Just checking in' when rushed leads to misreading, misremembering, and forgetting things, including even what has and hasn't been done. This guideline for the forum can be applied to other areas of your life with very good results in performance.
We've discussed this at length among us but in brief, you shouldn't participate on the forum unless you're settled down. This means sitting down somewhere where you can concentrate (so not at a bus stop during rush hour), and preferably, though not necessarily, on a laptop (or desktop) rather than a phone.
If you don't know you have at least a good fifteen minutes to be settled, you probably shouldn't check the forum at all. 'Just checking in' when rushed leads to misreading, misremembering, and forgetting things, including even what has and hasn't been done. This guideline for the forum can be applied to other areas of your life with very good results in performance.
Last edited by Roshan on Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.