Well, it isn't really clearer to me
Anthony, but anyway now I'm going to relate
My Typing Journey With Curtis Yarvin because it should shed light on a lot of aspects to all this.
I had noticed a video that came up in my youtube feed with some guy I never heard of being interviewed about why the US should be a monarchy and I thought 'Oh, that's weird' and ignored it. But since I've been watching a lot of Benjamin Boyce lately, I watched this one and thought, 'Oh, that must be that guy'. During the course of it I looked him up and realized he was Mencius Moldbug, who I knew about, and afterwards I realized he was indeed making the rounds.
At first in the Boyce video I felt quite sure Yarvin was a 5w6 and 359, but by the end of it I really felt he could lead with 9 because this interview was just
so all over the place it was hard for me to see 5w6 lead. As Anthony says. it was 'saga', but let's recall what makes something talking style saga for 9 (in contrast to story for 7, which is the closest to it, and in part thesis for 5) : it's not distinguishing between foreground and background. So while Yarvin
really just kept leaving out or glossing over 'what was essential'-- what his 'monarchy' even is, how we will ever get there, and much, much more--the world must know all the ships that sailed for Troy.
Also, his prediction toward the end that we'll all just have this joyous major regime change like one big party was so 'positive attitude' I felt like I was drinking a vat of pink molasses. I could see this kind of fairy tale la la land with 5w4 lead, but 5w6? So I pretty much thought 9 lead by the end and I even thought he might be triple attached and
really just spinning for the sake of treading water (which is not to say he isn't brilliant but that it's possible to get stupider the smarter you are). On top of it, I actually thought he was so scattered he must be [so/sx]!
Then I started watching another video of his (and then several more and read some of his stuff) and quickly realized the head was indeed 5w6 and did indeed lead, but the confirmation bias with the stacking stuck with me and I didn't realize 'Mencius Moldbug' is
clearly in the so/sp<--->sp/sx stream until I saw the first two votes come in. That said, the same things I focused on that caused the stacking mistake were largely the ones that made me reject both SiTe and NiTe when I did consider them. He did not stay on track like SiTe and he did not collapse like NiTe in the Boyce video. And I mean
really not.
That said, the ultimate disqualifier for SiTe was that he absolutely does not value Si absolutely. What he seems to have is a 'parallel development' of his fourth function, one that goes beyond just 'peacocking'--it's obvious in the poems he reads that he's somehow steeped in Si due to his acute, internalized perceptions of the physical realm. But to be steeped in it isn't the same as to value it absolutely and we know from the first video that he doesn't because, despite his deluge of historical references in it (that wound up coming off like he was winning a trivia game),
he never defined monarchy as a category and he simply did not care. A business corporation is a monarchy because it has a CEO. No, It is not and this is not valued Si.
So SiTe was not possible from the first video if you understand how clear it is about categories, and how much he warped them (and even splotchy Si role on NiTe seemed very unlikely). Then, if he were SiTe in shadow, as SeTi he wouldn't be talking about regime change as one big love fest. He would really be talking power, blood and guts and all, not his psychedelic fantasy playground version of it.
In any case, he's less Ninish, more 5w6ish, elsewhere than in the Boyce video--which is the reason why I chose this interview and insisted no one look into anything else yet. I wanted to see if some people would go with the 9 lead like I did and then switch to 5w6 once they saw something else and that's what happened. I believe his Nine sloth got amplified in this video by the interviewing style of his NeFi kindred (not that it isn't
massive anyway). Because Benjamin mostly just winds people up and watches them go, and there are a lot of commonalities between Ne and 9: both are stuck in positive reframing and both will play a lot of footsie with the boundaries of things. So Benjamin is going to set these tendencies off and
will not stop them.