This woman was an accomplice to her husband's pedophilia and child murder in the 90's. Then when he got put in jail for four months for auto theft, she didn't feed the two girls he was keeping in the cellar and they starved to death. She said she didn't feed them because she was afraid to go into the cellar.
She wasn't even charged for murder herself but as an accomplice to him throughout, despite his apparently having told her to feed the girls, as though her passivity were not itself an action. And since he was already in jail she could have gone right to the police and remained safe from him, because he would have just stayed there. Clearly she just didn't want to pay any consequences whatsoever for anything, even though they would have been drastically mitigated by her role as star witness for the prosecution. So, crafty enough to prefer for him to be let out on the loose again to save her own ass but scared to go into the cellar.
Then she was let out on parole after serving half the sentence on agreement that she would live in a convent because oh poor thing. It caused an uproar among the public and the prosecutor fought it, but was carried out by the courts in this 9-heavy country of Belgium. Then after three years the convent moved and the nuns didn't want her to move with them, probably because she's still an asshole, so in walks this blissed out retired 9 JUDGE asshole with some heavy duty self-important saint 2 to save the day.
wtf. WHY should this woman ever have a CHOICE as to when she sees sunlight after what she CHOSE to do? WHAT could be worse than choosing to starve two children to death?
And making sure this guy got out to sequester, rape,torture and kill children again. And then these so-called 'judges'...9 billboarding Holy Love at 3 ignores all understanding of danger, of evil, at 6. As a consequence it understands nothing of good either. This judge's 'generosity' is grotesque. Obscene.
I don't know where she should live. She never should have been let out. Ever. But she certainly shouldn't be living in the perfect home as some sanctimonious jerk off retired judge's pet project.
Crime and Punishment a la Nine
Crime and Punishment a la Nine
Last edited by Roshan on Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:26 am, edited 10 times in total.
Re: Crime and Punishment a la Nine
The retired savior judge is a 9. She may be a 3 at 9. Here is a video where you can see another image of her and you can also see the panel of judges that ruled to let her out of prison after thirteen years despite the huge public outcry and the fight of the prosecution.
As for the title, no. SHE is a child killer wtf. Low 9 narcosis is out of control in the modern world at the highest levels of institutions, including judiciary and media.
As for the title, no. SHE is a child killer wtf. Low 9 narcosis is out of control in the modern world at the highest levels of institutions, including judiciary and media.
Last edited by Roshan on Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:11 am, edited 8 times in total.
Re: Crime and Punishment a la Nine
"Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone".
This does not apply because I'm not casting stones. She is objectively a child torturer and murderer and she is one of her own free will. I don't think she should be stoned; I don't think she should have been put in a cellar and had food withheld in prison; I don't think she should be tarred and feathered. I just don't think she should have been granted freedom for the rest of her life after what she did.
And I also have to wonder: what if she were a man, say the best friend or brother, of her ex-husband? What would have been the charges and the sentence then? And IF it were the same (unlikely) would that sanctimonious asshole be keeping *him as his badge of honor and prize pet?
This does not apply because I'm not casting stones. She is objectively a child torturer and murderer and she is one of her own free will. I don't think she should be stoned; I don't think she should have been put in a cellar and had food withheld in prison; I don't think she should be tarred and feathered. I just don't think she should have been granted freedom for the rest of her life after what she did.
And I also have to wonder: what if she were a man, say the best friend or brother, of her ex-husband? What would have been the charges and the sentence then? And IF it were the same (unlikely) would that sanctimonious asshole be keeping *him as his badge of honor and prize pet?
Last edited by Roshan on Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:53 am, edited 4 times in total.
- Vincent
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Re: Crime and Punishment a la Nine
Btw and iirc, at the time, another judge blamed "haters and mean people" for this.
It was our collective fault if even catholic nuns couldn't stand her.
The whole thing was completely insane and maddening