CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

What is Allie's ct? (Choose two answers).

Poll ended at Sun Jul 03, 2022 12:00 am

Agree Fuller is TiSe
Fuller is something else (write what in comments).
Allie is NeTi
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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Roshan »

Well, I watched more of this one now. (Anthony had just said to watch the first few minutes). It is verrrry interesting.

He certainly doesn't appear to be jumping over Si in the way that the one talking about blowing people dandelions because everything's just groovy while they're all sitting there shell shocked, with his hair all touseled and his eyes puffy from doing too many drugs does. Or even the one in the first OP video just basking in the joys of conversation.

But I do not believe him. I believe he was always on that magic carpet ride and Rebel Wisdom was always going to end the way it did because he was going to alphaize TiSe Fuller and get Fuller PolR drunk on his own jumped-to Ne. And then he was going to blow everyone a dandelion because he did not care about the global community that answered their exhortation to follow them. I believe he was always in it for the joy ride.

But we should all watch and discuss, is this or isn't this a jumper and how do we know? Because he sure does talk a good game about the ceremonial aspects of his shrooms. But I just do not believe he could have developed Si.. On the other hand second row is already expedient and not absolutely valued, not to mention, as I said, not fully developed and jumper aren't quite the same thing and FeSi is already often so flakey....but I do think enhanced Se role when he has the floor to himself really shows here and so...

we shell sea.

Last edited by Roshan on Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Roshan »

Wuddid i tell ya?
Sew meaningful...


Alexander Beiner
Jun 21
After 5 years, the story of Rebel Wisdom is entering its final chapter. We're both being pulled in new directions creatively, and feel the time is right to go out with a bang.

It's been a beautiful and meaningful journey - the next 6 months are going to be some of the best 😉


* * *

The 'story' of Rebel Wisdom... :roll:
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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by e-ssam »

I never expected the reality of the demiurge to be ever called a disneyland reality by someone.👀

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Roshan »

Boy, does he have a humungous Te role.

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Vincent »

Roshan wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:15 pm NeFe jumpers don't get all those second chances. Most of time, at least half of teacher room just hate them, while the other half kind of love/hate them,

That's another thing. I found them both very unlikable and it wasn't because they were my contraries. It seemed to boil down to their being obsessed with authority (while wanting to appear oh so egalitarian) and my realizing they could not hear me. For one thing no one was an individual to them really; for another, they were megalomaniacal in some way. It's not that they weren't 'very nice', but in retrospect without the duals I could see either of them carving out a career in the underworld. Not heavy duty, but like dealing drugs or fencing stolen goods or running bad checks or something. Shifty, resourceful, and .very self-interested
Well, as a matter of fact, one of the NeFes i was thinking about was constantly "courted" by local kingpins who were trying to recruit him, and he was pretty open about it,with the subliminal Te 6th message "you guys better be good else i can drop out anytime and go to the competition". With some others i also got the impression that if we ever kicked them for disciplinary reasons (as some of us would have wanted to) we would just be sending them directly into pretty dangerous territory.
I can't say the ones i have in mind were megalomaniacal in any obvious way, but i can easily imagine them becoming that with a dual and/or a group of conquered followers.

They are neither teacher's pets nor class clowns. They simply would never. Their Fe agenda is too delineated and pseudo-discriminating to allow that. They are more like troubled troublemakers, and that's the image they cultivate. They are not stoically detached like non jumping NeTi,

No, they most definitely were not stoically detached. It was an odd combination of too enthusiastic--at times quite gushing but that always seemed forced--and authoritarian. As I said there was a rigidity to them. Maybe teachers just don't like them because they feel they are the authority, not the teacher.
Yes, i think that's pretty much the case with some of my colleagues.
I also think you're right to point out that their enhanced Te 6th makes them hardened. Sometimes they give off the impression that they have seen and been victims of many injustices, and you better not commit the next one, because "they know the drill" as well if not better as you do, all of which is often pretty accurate with those students, because there is an element of self-fulfilling prophecy to this. They can get pretty close to the SeTis in that regard, with the major difference that there is no actual dare behind it.

In my case, i mostly get to see their too enthusiastic side, because they usually like me a LOT, and they really want me to know that i'm not "like the other teachers". Every single one of them promised to keep contact and give news after the graduated. None of them did of course.
Last edited by Vincent on Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:43 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Vincent »

Roshan wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:27 pm But we should all watch and discuss, is this or isn't this a jumper and how do we know? Because he sure does talk a good game about the ceremonial aspects of his shrooms. But I just do not believe he could have developed Si.. On the other hand second row is already expedient and not absolutely valued, not to mention, as I said, not fully developed and jumper aren't quite the same thing and FeSi is already often so flakey....but I do think enhanced Se role when he has the floor to himself really shows here and so...
Well, he tells us that psychedelics are "one of the tools we have" to "come together as small intelligence units".
And he also tells us that they should be used "the way they have always been used", in the "context of communitas"

It sounds good but there are quite a few problems here.
The first and pretty big one is that using psychedelics collectively in "small" (a few hundreds still !) "intelligence units" is something that pretty much didn't exist before Timothy Leary..

I mean, the communal use of psychedelics in traditional cultures is actually a pretty rare exception. Tribal cultures just don't gather around a fire, do some ritual stuff, sing Kumbaya and get high, as his choice of words and images seems to imply.
Quite a few of the simplest and most purely alpha societies, like the australian Aboriginals, don't even use psychedelics at all, interestingly enough.
In the societies that do use them, they are usually strictly restricted to shamans and initiated people and surrounded with taboos. There too, you just don't talk about psychedelics.
When there is a collective and sacramental aspect to the use of entheogens, it's usually in the context of already stratified societies, and it's the privilege of a caste. Upper class Aztecs used psylocybin as a group when they crowned their new kings, for example, In between the human sacrifices.

So... i'm not quite sure what he is referring to here, or even if he is actually referring to anything. Maybe he was thinking about the way Huichols use Peyote. And yeah, ok, they share it. Once a year, after a fasted pilgrimage of a few hundred miles at the end of a symbolic hunt followed by hours of weeping and dancing. And even then only the shaman's visions actually matter and he has an absolute monopoly on interpretation. Pretty sure that's not quite what he has in mind when he talks about those ceremonies.

Anyway, what strikes me is that he is jumping over the most important and decisive aspect of the Si here.
In traditional societies, even alpha ones, the use of psychedelics is usually not a Fe Vincent article thing, horizontal and egalitarian. It's a very vertical and very initiatic one. You do them with and only with someone who did them before, with and only with someone who knows. In other words : you do them as part of a lineage tree.
And i'm pretty sure a non-jumper FeSi wouldn't have missed that tree.

Even when he talks about the necessity of being rooted and grounded, it seems to me he is still ultimately talking about Fe, with lots of wishful thinking that roots and ground would emerge on their own from the community, if we just "come together".

And ultimately i also get the impression that he jumps over (Si) Taboos to erect his Totem, paying lip service to the "wisdom of the First Nations" , but only to borrow their authority and legitimacy and plant his own Ne flag,

Last edited by Vincent on Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:00 am, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Roshan »

Roshan wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:21 pm Okay, rereading the thread. To get back to this, which was in response to my question as to why e-ssam originally chose NeTi with Si pipeline rather than NeFe:
e-ssam wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 9:49 am The first joke he cracked in the end of RW video was a mycelium joke. Roshan :ninja:
He also kept going back to graphs, that weren't really like maps, just more like points of reference which he'd then try to expand from in the conversation.
The graphs as 'points of reference' can be as much Te role as Si, perhaps more. But why would his preoccupation with magic mushrooms suggest strong Si?

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Vincent »

(turns out i have to go to work this afternoon to deliver some papers and archive some stuff but i want to get this out my system first)

There is some kind of anthropological irony here.

There is actually one culture that traditionally uses a psycho-active substance communally.
With alcohol.

But it's a pretty late development in the history of sedentary farming societies, the result of the democratization and desacralisation of the mead of the Gods over the centuries.
In other words a delta, or at least "post-delta" thing.
And obviously, the whole point is to NOT use it in an actually psychedelic way.

Also, there is actually one culture that used to produce meaning and intelligence in collective gatherings and ceremonies of institutionalized brainstorming.
With our salons, pubs, coffe shops, masonic lodges, communist cells, etc.
Again, a delta or post-delta thing.

And of course, both things (the emasculated use of psychedelics and the brainstorming) were already linked there.

So, while he is jumping over Si to plant his new-yet-immemorial flag, he is also reinventing a very western wheel, and i'm pretty sure this is in large part because the Si he is missing is precisey the one that distinguishes high alpha cultures from low alpha stages of the Zeitgeist.

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by e-ssam »

Roshan wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:14 am
Roshan wrote: Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:21 pm Okay, rereading the thread. To get back to this, which was in response to my question as to why e-ssam originally chose NeTi with Si pipeline rather than NeFe:
e-ssam wrote: Sun Jul 03, 2022 9:49 am The first joke he cracked in the end of RW video was a mycelium joke. Roshan :ninja:
He also kept going back to graphs, that weren't really like maps, just more like points of reference which he'd then try to expand from in the conversation.
The graphs as 'points of reference' can be as much Te role as Si, perhaps more. But why would his preoccupation with magic mushrooms suggest strong Si?
The joke seemed like it showed a preoccupation with cataloging what he is talking about under a specific kind of magic mushrooms, to make an illustration.
Not (in this case) about novelty.

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Re: CT Adult Poll Dance #4 Alexander Biener

Post by Roshan »

e-ssam wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:45 am
The joke seemed like it showed a preoccupation with cataloging what he is talking about under a specific kind of magic mushrooms, to make an illustration.
Not (in this case) about novelty.
And you thought that was implicit and clear to readers in "The first joke he cracked in the end of RW video was a mycelium joke", e-ssam?

Look, I don't want to get on your case when you're not feeling well but you do do stuff like this chronically.
Last edited by Roshan on Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:11 am, edited 3 times in total.

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