TiNe Exemplars For Review
Re: TiNe Exemplars For Review
"Introverted sensation apprehends the background of the physical world rather than its surface. The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, of the primordial images which, in their totality, constitute a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror with the peculiar faculty of reflecting the existing contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but, as it were, sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year-old consciousness might see them. Such a consciousness would see the becoming and passing away of things simultaneously with their momentary existence in the present, and not only that, it would also see what was before their becoming and will be after their passing hence. Naturally this is only a figure of speech, but one that I needed in order to illustrate in some way the peculiar nature of introverted sensation. We could say that introverted sensation transmits an image which does not so much reproduce the object as spread over it the patina of age-old subjective experience and the shimmer of events still unborn. The bare sense impression develops in depth, reaching into the past and future, while extraverted sensation seizes on the momentary existence of things open to the light of day."
Re: TiNe Exemplars For Review
That's the Jung passage on Si I've referred to before. Si makes sense for Crumb as agenda but not at all as frame. I can't really think of anyone whose artwork is more obsessed with 'the teeming new'. Any connection to the archetypal eternal--and it is in there somewhere--comes through the aggregation of everything out there now, and with a sense of hurried frenzy. On top of it, it's purposely ugly and designed for shock value (and shock is a disruption of stability), and it's as desacralized as it gets.
He appears to be TiNe creative subtype-very creative subtype actually. He exploits the NovEl to land somewhere. And then when he lands you can sometimes see dinosaurs in the shapes. Si is stable. 'Frenetic' and Si frame are antithetical--unless it's in shadow and then nuance is lost.
He appears to be TiNe creative subtype-very creative subtype actually. He exploits the NovEl to land somewhere. And then when he lands you can sometimes see dinosaurs in the shapes. Si is stable. 'Frenetic' and Si frame are antithetical--unless it's in shadow and then nuance is lost.
Last edited by Roshan on Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: TiNe Exemplars For Review
Also, Si StreamlInes (whence, its cataloguing, librarian aspects as well). Crumb isn't coming from a streamlining frame. This comic maker is and always has been a provocateur and chaos agent.
Last edited by Roshan on Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: TiNe Exemplars For Review
Whence, the title of this NY Times article.