We are the red bottle hummingbird collective.
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Welcome to Terra Incognita
Welcome to Terra Incognita
Last edited by admin on Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Re: Welcome to Terra Incognita
Why Terra9Incognita?
'Terra incognita' because we're exploring the lesser known borders of the E. and ct systems and beyond--with a view toward synthesis. Because of this, we're also a bit 'incognito'. This is an advanced board, a research board, a board for cognoscenti to become cognoscentisimo. We publicize through links in select discussions and word of mouth, and judiciously. There is just no reason for lay people to know about, say, subwings and stacking ranges; it only makes the pitfalls of 'typology', what Eli Jaxon-Bear calls the 'poisons', more toxic.
9 for the 9 types of the Enneagram; 'cognit' for the 16 types of 'JCT'-- Jungian Cognitive Typology. Our 'jct' system synthesizes MBTI, socionics, and some aspects of 'vultology' (pretentious name of the visual typing system popular in this tiny corner of the multiverse, for better and for worse).
Cog also for 'Center Of Gravity' of Riso and Hudson's Enneagram Levels of Development. We prefer to call them 'Health Levels', as in psychological health (as we don't consider 'spiritual development' to be our explicit purview). We also see psychological health and physical health as intertwined, and so in the inner forum, the diehard members keep 'sp lists'. 'sp' refers to the self-preservation instinct in the Enneagram system, and there we monitor and help each other with our 'sp threads'. And discuss our health levels with a view toward going up!
Don't let it rain on your parade. Je m'appelle Barbra--why not?
'Terra incognita' because we're exploring the lesser known borders of the E. and ct systems and beyond--with a view toward synthesis. Because of this, we're also a bit 'incognito'. This is an advanced board, a research board, a board for cognoscenti to become cognoscentisimo. We publicize through links in select discussions and word of mouth, and judiciously. There is just no reason for lay people to know about, say, subwings and stacking ranges; it only makes the pitfalls of 'typology', what Eli Jaxon-Bear calls the 'poisons', more toxic.
9 for the 9 types of the Enneagram; 'cognit' for the 16 types of 'JCT'-- Jungian Cognitive Typology. Our 'jct' system synthesizes MBTI, socionics, and some aspects of 'vultology' (pretentious name of the visual typing system popular in this tiny corner of the multiverse, for better and for worse).
Cog also for 'Center Of Gravity' of Riso and Hudson's Enneagram Levels of Development. We prefer to call them 'Health Levels', as in psychological health (as we don't consider 'spiritual development' to be our explicit purview). We also see psychological health and physical health as intertwined, and so in the inner forum, the diehard members keep 'sp lists'. 'sp' refers to the self-preservation instinct in the Enneagram system, and there we monitor and help each other with our 'sp threads'. And discuss our health levels with a view toward going up!
Don't let it rain on your parade. Je m'appelle Barbra--why not?
Last edited by admin on Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Welcome to Terra Incognita
Welcome new members and old friends