He was influenced by Gurdjieff, he spoke on Gurdjieff (more than once, like here); his methods were in many ways Gurdjieffian (the dancing, the bossy brain breaking... ). He was nothing if not eclectic but he really admired Gurdjieff. I suppose one question would be, did Rajneesh even believe what he (Rajneesh) said about Pythagoras?
He never fully abandoned the Communism of his high school years. He went from Communism to Anarchism, and then when he opted for guruhood, he never relinquished the belief that he was creating a 'Socialist' society. But he also became firmly convinced that if Socialism didn't come after Capitalism, the results would be disastrous. So I'm sure he renounced Mao, but old habits die hard.
He also spoke on Zarathustra in a series of two talks. But his Zarathustra seems to be more Nietzsche's than the Iranian one. Why does this not surprise me? (EDIT: These talks seem to have been compiled into two books, and as you can see, they're about Nietzsche's Zarathustra).
Actually he seems to have spoken on almost everyone and everything 'of consequence' in a big spiritual-historical pot of perennial soup. He didn't have any Five beyond Five connection to Eight--which is nothing to sneeze at since I do think he was Eight-fixed. But it isn't Five 'qua' Five so there isn't really any reason why he would have investigated Zoroastrianism for and of itself; everything seems to have been part of his Sevenesque (all the way in Seven) highly flexible Master Plan.
Zoroastrianism is a very Oneish religion; he doesn't seem to have had any One except by line from the massive Seven wing either. I had compelling reasons to prioritize, or rather privilege, Zoroastrianism. He had none. Ostensibly he was Si ignoring, Ti PoLR and Ni inferior, and so in general intellectually careless. (Which can make for an excellent debater, due to the difference between Te and Ti and the nature of debating). His shadow stack seems exploited--not in aura, not really in shadow either. Just very expediently deployed.
On a related note, his full Enneagram type seems to me to be sx/so 6w77w8-3wX-8wX. That doesn't add much to what I already said but I'm just not sure what to do with those wings. I guess 3w42w3 but it could be the other way around; his energetic presence--as well as his emphasis on pure presence (has nothing more to teach, his teaching is his presence)--points to 8w9 but it is very tempting to give him 8w7 and amp up the Trickster, especially looking at the university photos.