Re: Type 2 Pride
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2022 10:12 am
Something I wonder about sometimes, the sinful abstracts that are attached to the types such as E2 and Pride (not that i take issue with them), are they what other people see or what the type is experiencing? And i wonder this because the types themselves seem disconnected often enough to not be fully aware that they are (or supposed to be) experiencing them.
On the other hand, this disconnect is generally accepted as the very reasoning to understand the Enneagram and Type iself in the first place. Self-awareness, right?! lol The complication I see though is that while there are correlations, they don't always fit with a clean perfection. And there are only seven of them, someone had to come up with another two (fear, deceit) so that all 9 types could have their own 'sin'. Moreover, there's often a huge diversity even among a type, generally the Attachment types (hmmmm, a coincidence of having to make up a 'sin' for E6 and E3?) but i think you understand what I'm trying to say here.
So anyway, before I run off the rails and lose my way - E2 and Pride.
What is Pride? According to Google (knower of all)
a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
Wait a second, that's a little off-the-mark, sounds a little 3-ish. Let's use a Biblical interpretation:
“...Let not the mighty man boast of his might...but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me...”
Ok, it's crystal clear now. LOL I thought E3 was the type concerned with achievement? How absolutely confusing!
Somewhere along the way, in an effort to remove my own confusion and increase my ability to understand the deeper meanings here, I ended up with the habit of zooming away from a singular type and instead focused it in relation to a bigger picture. The 30,000 foot view, and thus the intent of what Man imperfectly placed upon his circular whizbang of personality.
The reasoning of 2 and Pride was to place a near-religious moniker of fallibility so as too reiterate the organic existence to Man that each type is possessing. There might have been some creative license as well since the person (tmk) who attached them did in fact self-type as a 4. But the intent was sound and well-meaning, to communicate a quasi-religious fallibly.
The intent was to describe that 2, in their habit of moving away from their own self-created-love, that by doing these things so unselfishly, they would in turn be valued and thus know the love that they are searching for. Pride in this sense attempts to convey that we've placed a word to help (um, pardon that) understand the emotional justification and the theoretical self-forgetting (not the E9 style if this, but sloth is describing their own self-forgetting) that results in the personal righteousness to continue this personality as a natural habit. I'm going to look away from all the evidence that my habits can be off-putting. A common sense objectivity would not let this continue, to do so many good deeds and remaining desirous of affection.... a cup still empty?!?!. That's where Pride comes in - the unconscious experience says no, I'm just the best at what I do, I'm the most generous, self-less, giving, my holiday presents are thoughtful.... the unconscious state of being is boasting to itself in the circulative route of giving and then secretly feeling one more stone to fill the void, their fear that deep down they aren't loved.
I think 'being the best' starts at the top. No not 9, I'm referring the descending arc of 2-3-4. All of these 'sins', monikers, noms de guerre, they grade down from one type to another, until we reach Envy, and the internalized subconscious-ness of Nothing. I have nothing, I am nothing. They create from a singular alienation in an attempt to realize a singular value. I justify my being-an-ass because the subjective accounting says that I'm owed, when in fact I'm just envious and unable to admit my Sin
In between is the prince/princess doing their best to unconsciously meet the needs of the 'attached' values, the transactions of giving and receiving, as they blend from Star to Exceptional (Melania). Doing in the Image, to subjectively realize they're own Vanity and the central role for which the triad is often named, to be 'the best' at what everyone else wants/defines/judges.
2 - aren't I wonderful?
3 - do you think I'm the best?
4 - I'm the worst!
On the other hand, this disconnect is generally accepted as the very reasoning to understand the Enneagram and Type iself in the first place. Self-awareness, right?! lol The complication I see though is that while there are correlations, they don't always fit with a clean perfection. And there are only seven of them, someone had to come up with another two (fear, deceit) so that all 9 types could have their own 'sin'. Moreover, there's often a huge diversity even among a type, generally the Attachment types (hmmmm, a coincidence of having to make up a 'sin' for E6 and E3?) but i think you understand what I'm trying to say here.
So anyway, before I run off the rails and lose my way - E2 and Pride.
What is Pride? According to Google (knower of all)
a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.
Wait a second, that's a little off-the-mark, sounds a little 3-ish. Let's use a Biblical interpretation:
“...Let not the mighty man boast of his might...but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me...”
Ok, it's crystal clear now. LOL I thought E3 was the type concerned with achievement? How absolutely confusing!
Somewhere along the way, in an effort to remove my own confusion and increase my ability to understand the deeper meanings here, I ended up with the habit of zooming away from a singular type and instead focused it in relation to a bigger picture. The 30,000 foot view, and thus the intent of what Man imperfectly placed upon his circular whizbang of personality.
The reasoning of 2 and Pride was to place a near-religious moniker of fallibility so as too reiterate the organic existence to Man that each type is possessing. There might have been some creative license as well since the person (tmk) who attached them did in fact self-type as a 4. But the intent was sound and well-meaning, to communicate a quasi-religious fallibly.
The intent was to describe that 2, in their habit of moving away from their own self-created-love, that by doing these things so unselfishly, they would in turn be valued and thus know the love that they are searching for. Pride in this sense attempts to convey that we've placed a word to help (um, pardon that) understand the emotional justification and the theoretical self-forgetting (not the E9 style if this, but sloth is describing their own self-forgetting) that results in the personal righteousness to continue this personality as a natural habit. I'm going to look away from all the evidence that my habits can be off-putting. A common sense objectivity would not let this continue, to do so many good deeds and remaining desirous of affection.... a cup still empty?!?!. That's where Pride comes in - the unconscious experience says no, I'm just the best at what I do, I'm the most generous, self-less, giving, my holiday presents are thoughtful.... the unconscious state of being is boasting to itself in the circulative route of giving and then secretly feeling one more stone to fill the void, their fear that deep down they aren't loved.
I think 'being the best' starts at the top. No not 9, I'm referring the descending arc of 2-3-4. All of these 'sins', monikers, noms de guerre, they grade down from one type to another, until we reach Envy, and the internalized subconscious-ness of Nothing. I have nothing, I am nothing. They create from a singular alienation in an attempt to realize a singular value. I justify my being-an-ass because the subjective accounting says that I'm owed, when in fact I'm just envious and unable to admit my Sin

In between is the prince/princess doing their best to unconsciously meet the needs of the 'attached' values, the transactions of giving and receiving, as they blend from Star to Exceptional (Melania). Doing in the Image, to subjectively realize they're own Vanity and the central role for which the triad is often named, to be 'the best' at what everyone else wants/defines/judges.
2 - aren't I wonderful?
3 - do you think I'm the best?
4 - I'm the worst!