It cannot be denied--although the Blue Church denied it--that Trumpism carried the 2016 election in the economic blight of the Rust Belt of the Midwest. It cannot be denied--though the Blue Church denied it--that since the Clinton sellout of the Democratic Party to corporate donors in 1992, much of its former base was discarded, unless they had allegiance to some 'identity group'--meaning mostly the straight, white working class was left out. And it also cannot be denied that a lot of what is going to come out from this shooting death will have to do with union rights and labor laws as they relate to film workers, or that Alec Baldwin is a leader of the Blue Church. So something is coming full circle here. As I told you I'm a Bokononist so I'm bound to see that something as 'busy, busy, busy' but I also said that's why I like those Buddhist paintings--there are patterns.
I suspect it cannot be denied that Alec Baldwin is probably a well-meaning man, or at least that there are good arguments to see him as such; for instance, he apparently made $15 million dollars doing ads for a credit card company and donated every single penny to breast cancer research. And while I can also see why
Vanity Fair is calling Donald Trump Jr.
sentient pond scum for selling t shirts on his website saying, "Guns don't kill people. Alec Baldwin kills people."--a play on the right's argument against gun control that people, not guns, kill people--again, I think we should look past things like that and focus our lens unflinchingly on the Blue Church. After all, Donald Trump could not have won the Rust Belt if it had not rusted first, and then his son would not be selling t shirts about Alec Baldwin being a murderer.
And so we should always ask ourselves, in what ways is the Blue Church sentient pond scum?--especially because we are closer to it than we are to Donald Trump, Jr., and if you don't believe me, just count the film posts here. And so asking: in what ways is the Blue Church sentient pond scum is in a way also asking, in what ways are
we sentient pond scum, and a good place to start is by asking, in what ways does dear Alec Baldwin embody archetypal sentient pond scumminess? For instance, that portrayal of Trump on SNL...