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Re: Transits of Uranus

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:54 pm
by Roshan

Re: Transits of Uranus

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:57 pm
by Roshan
Naturally I married someone else but he was there. And I was in his favorite color, orange.

Re: Transits of Uranus

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:00 pm
by Roshan
That had a jacket too.

There's plenty of stuff I could dig up about our scene online I'm sure but really I have to upload the New Years Eve Open Mic video of I think 91 and I also have to make Damien's website. And...

a bunch of things I'll probably say about Matthew but for now I'll let the poem and these posts stand.

There is this though: he was (is? Steps to Nowhere Gallery is gone and no one can locate him so... ) very Ni ignoring.

Re: Transits of Uranus

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:06 pm
by Roshan
But as regards myself, the question to be asked here is why did I finally post that poem today?

Re: Transits of Uranus

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:30 pm
by Roshan
From the song Today.

With you standing here
I could tell the world
What it means to love
To go on from here
I can't use words
They don't say enough.

Now I have done it. Matthew may be dead. Damien definitely is. Ramon turned out not to be. Wolf almost certainly is. But with them standing here now here this:

I have done it. I have told the world before and I am telling the world now and I will tell the world again. Whatever it takes and whoever does or doesn't come with me, it's all still World. You don't know all of me because all of me is so much more than just all of me. I have no one to be faithful to but myself and that. If you want to stick around for the ride fine, you're very welcome to but just make sure you chip in for gas.

Re: Transits of Uranus

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:34 pm
by Roshan
This wasn't to anyone in particular but I'm dead serious about not being ready to dry up and die.

Re: Transits of Uranus

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 11:40 pm
by Roshan
I have other 'creative writing' on Enneaforum; these are poems. There is one short story in an adjacent subforum. Reminder to self to transfer stuff here and add on.

Also, Matthew is still among us. I ran into him peddling his paintings in Soho a few weeks ago and invited him out to eat for the next day. He was very enthusiastic, especially since he's so broke, but then when I texted him to meet up he had forgotten about it and when I reminded him did not reply.

But still alive, as it is said.