I can't read that article just yet. He upsets me
enormously. I can only deal with pushing out the envelope on him incrementally. I'll read it in a bit.
But I can say that all this reminds me of Blanche Dubois, the iconic character in Tennessee Williams'
A Streetcar Named Desire who's used, correctly, to exemply 4. She's definitely a 4w3-7w6-9w1, and most likely [so/sx] who, as a southern 'lady', after more and more lies in the face of an ever cruder reality, becomes completely delusional, but
the film ends with her positive reframing..
Also, the 's.o.' of my SiFe former collaborator is a social 4w3 (or possibly sp/SO but I doubt it) from a very working class Midwestern background who became a top executive at The Gap and then Nike. He did this to overcome the 'shame of his background'. I suspect Alexander may come from a similar background. Being a lawyer isn't really a comfort zone for a 4, though they are 'between 1 and 2', but such conventional success may be transformational 'art' in these cases--you get to save the world, impress your family, AND 'transcend' your environment. Two for the price of one. He was obviously over-close with the grandmother.