So when i made
that post i was still hesitating and oscillating between FeNi and TeNi.
The thing is, i was seeing a lot of Se-Ni axis in pretty much all the materials i watched, which basicaly eliminated all alpha and delta types.
It had to be either beta or gamma.
I was also pretty sure that he was may more likely to be a withdrawn extrovert, potentially a creative subtype one, rather than the opposite configuration.
SeTi was obviously out of question. (No way in ten thousands hells that he could be Fi polr.)
I considered SeFi, briefly, but Ti polr and Ni inf really doesn't work.
There is just too much vision and too much architectural complexity in his work for it.
And anyway, his Se didn't seem that high in the stack either. Not quite organic, implicit yet omnipresent enough to be frame.
agenda on the other hand makes perfect sense imo.
So i was left with the two types with Ni-Se as their inner axis. FeNi and TeNi.
One being my first impression from the baby pics. And one being
Roshan's intriguing suggestion.
Of course, Te frame wasn't an easy sale.
Fe frame initially seemed more likely to me.
But it still didn't feel quite right.
Some things were either missing or hiding ;
-The tribal, "collectivist" side of Fe, which is usually pretty obvious in beta extraverts, especially with FeNi.
Even "We are champions" starts with "I", his "bad mistakes", his "share" and his success.
And, ironically enough, there is just no indication that "we" is a group, a team, a tribe, rather than a sum of "i".
"No time for losers" also sounds pretty incompatible with the kind of shepherding you would expect from beta Fe.
-the political and ideological stance that usually comes with Fe frame and Ti seeking.
Fe frame in beta is driving the horde
somewhere.. It has to point toward the horizon. In a specific direction.
Or at least to seek it and search for it.
So FeNi very often has something of a Pied Piper.
And you don't see that at all with Freddie Mercury.
Compare "We are champions" with "Stairway to Heaven" for example.