Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Roshan »

Vincent wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:45 pm
Roshan wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:27 pm But Blake is a demimonde character.

And it seems to me that this demimonde aspect is a big part of the elephant in the room here.

There is a whole intersection between identity politics and gang related violence that people doesn't want to see.

Even now that California is facing robberies by flash mobs of 80+ people, which, according to experts shouldn't be called lootings...

Well guess who the SF DA is who didn't want to prosecute these looters NOT?

Chesa Boudin is the son of the Weather Underground couple who killed the cop in the Brinks armored car robbery and he was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn.

And the name of our movie is still Rust!
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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Roshan »

But Chesa Boudin is in the foreground now and he is cowing to pressure because it got so out of hand.

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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Roshan »

WE, the rainbow white supremacist coalition, were way ahead of this game. We have been saying this since the Floyd riots ffs.

While Dem pundits and politicians and celebrities and sundry kill with kindness do gooders were bailing everybody out and charges were all getting dropped.
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Roshan »

Anyway Michael Shenker was, and pretty sure Jacob Blake also is, 739, along with Grosskreutz. Huber comes close.

Shenker def NeFi, Grosskreutz too, Blake idk yet. Huber can't talk so we'll probably never know.
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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Anthony »

The first time I saw Grosskreutz was when he testified, and my very first impression was just 9w8 with a strong 3w4 fix and So/Sx, but after watching more I thought his head fix was leading OR that it was 3 leading and head was second.

I agree with the typing given, and yes he probably is 3w4(4w5) second.

Grosskreutz, on top of clearly being the sort of person who joins "People's Revolution" type of groups and clearly wants to create an image and aesthetic out of "the omniscience of being fringe," it must really fucking suck to get 90% of your bicep taken off by this child that "loves middle America," as you say. I think Dack was right that they're jealous of Rittenhouse, and moreover, that the jealously toward Rittenhouse has been festering in their collective mind for multiple decades now.

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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Roshan »

Anthony, I'm pretty positive of [so/sx] stacking for Grosskreutz and of the 379 tritype in some order. If 3 is way in 4 it might not be so/SX though, and I'm NOT positive what leads, but I DO think the 9 is last. But ONLY because the 7 (head games) and 3 (deceit) are so strong. In fact what's so scary about the WHOLE THING is how Nine'd out almost EVERYBODY is--without necessarily having 9 first or even second.

Super disturbing.
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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Anthony »

That makes sense, and yes it's extremely disturbing. I've already told you that personally—not being a very political person at all—following this case, it's the first time (or one of the first) I've ACTUALLY been shaken and disturbed. It's disturbing, but I think it was ultimately predictable, just how 9'd out everyone is; that Kyle acted in self-defense is unmistakable, and given that since the mid 20th century the left HAS been constructing its own identity and narrative about the horrors of conservative traditional white supremacist cookie-cutter-house America, they really have no choice BUT to "9 out"—they're past the point of no return, and the only agency they have is willful ignorance.

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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Roshan »

Anthony wrote: Fri Nov 26, 2021 3:46 pm since the mid 20th century the left HAS been constructing its own identity and narrative about the horrors of conservative traditional white supremacist cookie-cutter-house America, they really have no choice BUT to "9 out"—they're past the point of no return, and the only agency they have is willful ignorance.
The left also suffers from shall we say a surfeit of art. So many are image creators or image superconsumers they really don't know what's real and what isn't anymore. This song from the Broadway musical Hair (1969) captures something essential about the beginning of the current phenomenon, I think.

Bemoan the 'dying nation of moving paper fantasies' by making more moving paper fantasies. (Btw 'lonely tunes' resonates 'Looney Tunes Cartoons'). Plato was right. These two problems face the republic: what to do about the spirited men and women, the fighters, and what to do about the goddam poets.

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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Anthony »

But that he is shady af there is no doubt. This whole case reeks of positive reframing, so much so it's delusional. I come back to the question: is Binger 9 lead?
Well, i was wondering about that too and i think he very well might be.
Several times during the trial, he was spinning so much i found myself wondering if he was even really trying to win this.
I mean, so many prosecution witnesses ended up helping the defense's case...
And that compressed video file stuff is really really retarded. Whatever they tried to do there, they were never going to get away with it. It would have been very easy to any expert to expose them just by looking at the metadatas.
It seemed both desperate AND sloppy as hell to me.
Ugh, I had the same exact thoughts about Binger—literally, "is he even trying to win this?" and "This is SO sloppy AND desperate."

To me it begged the question, "What young, clearly demonstrably intelligent head type would make such a STUPID mistake with the video file?" And I REALLY mean that, because that's super basic stuff. Normally, when head types make mistakes with that, it always seems to be because they got lost in their own heads, going too fast and accidentally failing to keep track of the details—I mean, especially since Binger isn't a 7, he seems to have 6/5 influence and that wormholes to E1. The mistakes Binger made were like AGGRESSIVELY 'schlumpy,' like he was blindly brute-forcing his way to a win.

The thing is, to me, he doesn't seem to have a lot of the energetic signals of 9 lead, and he DOES seem to have the energetic signals of a 6w5 lead. In certain ways, he reminds me of Knausgaard and Hitler, actually—the tight-lipped, 'remaining little' avaricious 5 wing on an arms-crossed, brazen 6 lead @ 3.
He also seems to have the 9w1(8w9), not 9w1(1w2)...he's obviously energetically passive and almost Se-polrish, but still with something very steadfastly willful and nonchalantly getting in your way.
His voice isn't gut-leading either. Even the 9w1(1w2) males tend to have gutty voices bespeaking of the shadow 8 wing, even if slightly higher pitched.
Last edited by Anthony on Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness

Post by Roshan »

Well, your voice isn't any more gutty than his Anthony.

Anyway, he's not a reactive type.

Thinking now his head is probably 5w66w7.
Last edited by Roshan on Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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