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Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:10 pm
by Amy
I just watched the Brian May/ Rick Beato interview and my impression was NeFi (though I’m not discarding FiNe yet either). I’m going to try and watch the second Rick Beato video tonight as well for the other thread in the meantime before looking more at Brian with fresher eyes. Or I’ll leave my vote as is if I still think it’s NeFi.

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:30 pm
by e-ssam
e-ssam wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:42 pm My very first impression from a while ago was SiFe but it seemed unlikely with the astrophysics phd, and i didnt think he'd supervise freddie.
Neither does the Disembodiment, he's still "airy" even at an old age.
I don't have any reason for "not Ti frame" But he's much more personable, yet at the same time more careful with what comes out of his mouth in terms of involvement, than Ti lead seems to me (more careful for precision's sake). So I think FiNe makes sense 👀
But I have questions about the sensitivity of the fourth slot though then, is there such thing as "too sensitive"?
and with being dualized for that long, wouldn't the rest of the stack get affected too, including the polr impressions? and what about the relegating work that could happen in duality? (or is that more often in supervision?)

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:22 pm
by Anthony
The more I watch Brian May, especially present-day Brian May, Se PoLR becomes much more strikingly clear. It seems that Brian May would easily scoff at any sort of 'aggression,' and compensates for it naturally via 'being a discriminating person'(which Roshan had explained to me about Se PoLR in chat a long time ago, and I think it's a great thing to look for).
My original vote for him was TeSi, but again, the more I watch, I can't really see that—energetically he seemed 'sturdier' to me when he was in those younger Queen interviews, but he isn't at all, not in the way I was seeing at least.
FiNe > TiNe, basically for the same reasons you guys already laid out. FiNe is my final vote for Brian May.

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:14 am
by Roshan
Amy wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:10 pm I just watched the Brian May/ Rick Beato interview and my impression was NeFi (though I’m not discarding FiNe yet either). I’m going to try and watch the second Rick Beato video tonight as well for the other thread in the meantime before looking more at Brian with fresher eyes. Or I’ll leave my vote as is if I still think it’s NeFi.
Amy, why did or do you think Brian's NeFi?

As much as nothing's 100% etched in stone career or talentwise , I think a Ti PolR astrophysicist is highly unlikely. Also young Brian had a far-off glassy, out there in there look that really seemed introverted. And yeah, sure he put Se into his guitar playing but beyond that...Se role?

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:42 am
by Amy
Roshan wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:14 am
Amy wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:10 pm I just watched the Brian May/ Rick Beato interview and my impression was NeFi (though I’m not discarding FiNe yet either). I’m going to try and watch the second Rick Beato video tonight as well for the other thread in the meantime before looking more at Brian with fresher eyes. Or I’ll leave my vote as is if I still think it’s NeFi.
Amy, why did or do you think Brian's NeFi?

As much as nothing's 100% etched in stone career or talentwise , I think a Ti PolR astrophysicist is highly unlikely. Also young Brian had a far-off glassy, out there in there look that really seemed introverted. And yeah, sure he put Se into his guitar playing but beyond that...Se role?
Getting back to this a tad late, I was feeling fatigued earlier. I think it’s best if I look back at young Brian for comparison. So I’ll do that hopefully Sunday, maybe Monday. Vote wise, it was more of a general impression than anything specifically said. I do think it’s possible that that he seemed higher Te and Se because of his experience and guitar playing. I noticed that he tended to go off on tangents the first time watching, but I’m looking back at the video again and noticed he does pause slightly into himself and that the tangents are more Si related than Ne ‘new’. I’m not rewatching the whole video right now but Fi deliberateness was more noticeable to me at around the 8:15 mark to 9:20 as well.

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:07 am
by Amy
Amy wrote: Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:42 am
Roshan wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:14 am
Amy wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:10 pm I just watched the Brian May/ Rick Beato interview and my impression was NeFi (though I’m not discarding FiNe yet either). I’m going to try and watch the second Rick Beato video tonight as well for the other thread in the meantime before looking more at Brian with fresher eyes. Or I’ll leave my vote as is if I still think it’s NeFi.
Amy, why did or do you think Brian's NeFi?

As much as nothing's 100% etched in stone career or talentwise , I think a Ti PolR astrophysicist is highly unlikely. Also young Brian had a far-off glassy, out there in there look that really seemed introverted. And yeah, sure he put Se into his guitar playing but beyond that...Se role?
Getting back to this a tad late, I was feeling fatigued earlier. I think it’s best if I look back at young Brian for comparison. So I’ll do that hopefully Sunday, maybe Monday. Vote wise, it was more of a general impression than anything specifically said. I do think it’s possible that that he seemed higher Te and Se because of his experience and guitar playing. I noticed that he tended to go off on tangents the first time watching, but I’m looking back at the video again and noticed he does pause slightly into himself and that the tangents are more Si related than Ne ‘new’. I’m not rewatching the whole video right now but Fi deliberateness was more noticeable to me at around the 8:15 mark to 9:20 as well.
Running a bit behind on watching young Brian, I have an extended break tomorrow though since one of my classes got canceled.

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:30 am
by Amy
Okay so I’m definitely seeing Se PoLR for Brian now after watching this video. He seems confined in himself, even in the way he’s sitting, all ‘stiff limbs’ at the beginning of the video. He then talks about how people go to concerts for what’s familiar (Si) rather than say the experience itself (Se). There’s also the focus not just on his values, but on the Queen’s, and it’s identity (and by extent also relationship to the public). He, for example, discusses how each of the band members have different ideas (Ne) and values and how this can either add to the creative process or take away the song’s meaning (Fi), (but everything is an equal possibility and nothing needs to get done about it - Se PoLR).

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:27 pm
by Roshan
I forgot to say what I realized about the story of Bohemian Rhapsody. It caught my attention that Freddie wrote a song about a painting , then that he'd been very taken by the painting and spent a lot of time looking at it when he was around 20 in the museum in London, and also that elsewhere he said that he did research for Bohemian Rhapsody but wasn't saying on what.

I feel quite sure Bohemian Rhapsody was inspired by the life of the painter Richard Dadd, who killed his father in a fit of madness and spent the rest of his life institutionalized, and that the double meaning of 'fairy' for himself wasn't lost on Freddue. ... hard-dadd/

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:34 pm
by Roshan
For ease of reference here's BR again.

Re: Type the Tot #1

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 6:45 pm
by Roshan
There is the line in BR "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me" and in one source I came upon Dadd did say the devil made him do it, but I didn't save the sources and will have to fish it up.