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FeSi Exemplars For Review

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:53 pm
by Roshan
Members should put exemplars of FeSi's they feel reasonably sure of. Other members should watch the videos at their earliest convenience and like them ONLY if they agree with the typing. If you don't agree say why and/or suggest a different type. We can always make separate typing threads for disputed exemplars. We will cull exemplars for the Study Hall from these threads. If you don't see a thread yet for the type of an exemplar you want to post (ct or E), just create one.

Don't like the videos on this thread unless you agree they're FeSi.

Re: FeSi Exemplars Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:24 pm
by Roshan
Adrienne, tv talk show hostess, 'The Real'.

Vid opens with ad that ends at 2'02". Adrienne doesn't enter until 4'13" but the set up is important as is the whole video to get my point. Clearly the world would be a better place if we would all just admit Latinx is a credible name for a tampon dispenser, and so these comments of Adrienne's toward the end seem to perfectly encapsulate using Si traditions and categories expediently to progress in the Fe collective swim to a big fish in the authority/NovElty pond:

@16'11" It's not easy to move with the times but it is necessary.
@17'14" And me personally, I always want to be part of the ever-evolving group of people who are trying to be inclusive.

Re: FeSi Exemplars Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:46 pm
by Roshan
Actually, if people agree Adrienne's FeSi, that video probably deserves its own intertype relations thread.

Re: FeSi Exemplars Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:36 pm
by Vincent
Yeah, she definitely seems FeSi to me.
I really don't know what else she could be tbh.

This in particular sounds exactly right to me :
Roshan wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:24 pm these comments of Adrienne's toward the end seem to perfectly encapsulate using Si traditions and categories expediently to progress in the Fe collective swim to a big fish in the authority/NovElty pond:

Re: FeSi Exemplars Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:34 pm
by Roshan
Yeah, I agree it's pretty clear; just dotting my i's and crossing my t's.

Those lines are the reason I wanted to put her here. I think the video sheds a lot of light on the 'agenda' of FeSi. At average levels they just want to be the cool kids in high school and they zoom in on emerging traditions (Si) to be trENd SEtters (Se demo). Fe in this state = high school. We have seen this with Rose McGowan too but with FeNi it's more like 'honors society' or 'student government'. FeSi is more like glee club and prom.

Re: FeSi Exemplars Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 12:12 am
by Anthony
Yup, pretty clearly FeSi.

At 2:43, Shaun said, "LatinX just does not fit in with the Spanish Language. 'X' in the Spanish language is pronounced 'EH-kees,' and 'EH-kees' does not fit well at the end of 'Latin-'."

I don't know how much of an argument that is; it may be annoying, but it isn't impossible to say 'LAH-teen-EH-kees' instead of the gender-neutral 'Latino,' even for a small minority of people.

Most of the time, people refuse to make such changes—as one commenter implied—because they're "cringe," "silly," or annoying. Consciously derived "reasons," as given by Shaun, tend to come second. Most people just don't want to be bothered and have an ego in being able to say "they're 'just' words, who cares?"

Adrienne seems to realize this, which is why she said "it isn't easy" at 16:11. What she completely ignores, or fails to realize, is WHY people instinctively react ↑that↑ way—for most, the reason it's disconcerting to normalize 'LatinX' isn't really because it's difficult to say, but because it opens up a world of uncertainties. What precedent will that set? And where are we headed? What will I be unable to say in the future?

Also, people experience themselves first and foremost as individuals responsible for their own individual feelings & interests, not first and foremost as representatives of a group responsible for the feelings & interests of the whole or some group within the whole. Even in Adrienne's (a Hispanic woman's) aggressive push to employ 'LatinX' while acknowledging the existence of Hispanic people that disagree, she implicitly acknowledges the intrinsicness of (HER) individuality and responsibility for how she handles it. By forcefully establishing NEw Si traditions in service of maximizing Fe inclusivity, paired with her narrow-sightedness, she perpetuates a culture where people have to be [eventually] even more (and more, and more, ...) responsible for what they say, what others say, and for how everyone else feels—this is when "white guilt" becomes a thing, when you allow people to expect that others should tiptoe around them, and so on and so on. Individuals necessarily end up 'giving themselves up' to the whole TOO MUCH, both in becoming responsible for it and simultaneously dependent upon it.

It seems that she can't be anything else other than Fi ignoring and Ni PoLR.

Re: FeSi Exemplars For Review

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:57 pm
by Anthony
Chantal Goya, yé-yé girl, French New Wave actress well-known for her starring role in Jean-Luc Godard's Masculin, féminin (1966), children's singer, and last but most certainly not least: my dream lady.

(you have no idea what this one does to me)

Re: FeSi Exemplars For Review

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 1:00 pm
by Vincent
Anthony wrote: Fri Apr 29, 2022 10:57 pm Chantal Goya, yé-yé girl, French New Wave actress well-known for her starring role in Jean-Luc Godard's Masculin, féminin (1966), children's singer, and last but most certainly not least: my dream lady.
Hmm, still not sure about her. I can't say i clearly see Ne agenda/Ni polr (yet) and she doesn't seem quite Fi ignoring either
I suspect she might be SiFe creative instead.

Will look for more materials soon.

Re: FeSi Exemplars For Review

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 2:08 pm
by Roshan
Well somebody thought it would be a good idea to film the interview in front of a tree.

Re: FeSi Exemplars For Review

Posted: Mon May 02, 2022 2:13 pm
by Vincent
Roshan wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 2:08 pm Well somebody thought it would be a good idea to film the interview in front of a tree.
Yes !
And this was the stage of one of her show Vincent put under nouns, singular/plural.