Black Visions Collective (Radioactive Slogan Generator)
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:45 am
by Roshan
Yup, here there are. Three of the founders of the Black Visions Collective of Minneapolis, which is credited with cooking up the radioactive juggernaut of a slogan 'Defund the police'. Since in the video theys do mention police militarization in Minneapolis, I'll assume my theory of always is correct and this slogan was a hybrid of the stalwart old chestnuts "Demilitarize the police" and "Fuck the police". (Why I'm the only person I've ever seen say this I'll never understand).
Re: Black Voices Collective (Radioactive Slogan Generator)
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:47 am
by Roshan
Website of the "gay and trans-centering" Persons of Colour industrial strength Midwestern anarchist sandbox.
I am just about ready to forgive them for the slogan. The genesis of these hybrid granola, glam,, and 501c3 coutures I do find compelling to ponder.
Re: Black Visions Collective (Radioactive Slogan Generator)
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 3:10 am
by Roshan
This rabbit hole was brought to you courtesy of a new Jimmy Dore episode on defund the defund. Garland Nixon, brought up by Sabby, is back, he's everywhere. It's his moment in the sun. idc. I was much more interested in the comments. Those are some of the best youtube comments I ever read. Everybody seems, like me, to be aware that this episode signifies the death knell of the acab times and really has heartfelt ideas about police reform. And they all want to get their two cents in. And because Jimmy has such a large percentage rightwing following along witth the homeless left and even some homeful left, there is quite a spectrum of opinion. (Even a handful of acabers in the bunch). And one of the things that comes up is what are the origins of this slogan. So I finally looked it up.
Dore thread makes me wanna make one of those good ol' youtube finger puppet operas, but I suspect intertype thread for 'the collective' will have to do.