The Enneagram Institute had her as a 4 but the highest heads of the eidb pundirati talked 7. If this early interview had been on yt then it would have been a shorter discussion. A 7w6 with a 4w5 fix will still be a 7 but not a garden variety one.
Then I vacilated for some time between sx/SO and [so/sp] for some time with her, the latter being due to the influence of the notorious "DG", but then I pretty much settled on sx/SO. Now, with the emergence of new (and new old) materials on yt, I'm leaning toward [so/sx].
Re: Florence Welsh
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2022 1:01 pm
by Roshan
Felicitously for us, ours is not to quibble over such vicissitudes on this here thread, but to provide examples of a Trifix 479 "Dream Weaver".
That said, this particular video also provides an exceptional example of 7 between 5 and 1, the Gluttony between two Abstemiousnesses; the Expansion between two Contractions; the Excess between two Minimalisms; the Ecstasy between two Renunications; the Carousal between two Purifications; the Radiance between two Sombers; the Sullying between two Sullens, and so on and on. much food and furnishings with Flo, both in vids and in interviews, unlikely to be sp last. DG is probably right about [so/sp] for her. Unsurprisingly, her material seemed 'counterflow' to me, but this time around her interviews didn't, both what she said and that I thought [so/sp] would mitigate the 7w6 'head buzz', especially with that heart fix. Must be an 'ah youth' factor in there. Well, like I said, this is the thread for "Dream Weaver 479" and if [so/sp] it's nice to have the stacking corroborated by something more than DG 'flo-jo' theory.
Food and furnishings...this is an excellent segway into Flo's very close typing kin Robyn Hitchcock, . [so/sp] really does help explain the differences, because if she's [sx/so], they're both sx first, and if she's [so/sx] they're both synflow sharing sx, so it was baffling to me (and bothering) the extent to which they're NOT similar. (EDIT 8/9/24: Actually he's sp/SX so there is still a mystery if they're both counterflow sharing sp).