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Re: Type 2 Health Levels

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:16 pm
by admin
See Enneaforum link for now.

Re: Type 2 Health Levels

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:44 pm
by Anthony
Type 2: Fears and desires at each health level:

Healthy Levels

1. The Level of Liberation
The Disinterested Altruist
Desire: (Self-actualization) To let go of their identification with a particular self-image, that they are not allowed to take care of themselves and their own needs
Fear: (Basic Fear) Of being unwanted, unworthy of being loved

2. The Level of Psychological Capacity
The Caring Person
Desire: (Basic Desire) To be loved unconditionally
Fear: (First of Secondary Fears) That their own needs and negative feelings will harm their relationships

3. The Level of Social Value
The Nurturing Helper
Desire: (First of Secondary Desires) To do good things for others (to reinforce their positive feelings and self-image)
Fear: That whatever they have been doing for others is not enough to gain their love (others will not come to them, they most go out more to others)

Average Levels

4. The Level of Imbalance
The Effusive Friend
Desire: To be wanted—to be close to others
Fear: That the people they love will love someone else more than them

5. The Level of Interpersonal Control
The Possessive Intimate
Desire: To be needed—to make themselves necessary to others
Fear: That they and their help are being taken for granted

6. The Level of Overcompensation
The Self-important Saint
Desire: To be acknowledged, to have their virtue and goodness recognized
Fear: That they are driving others away

Unhealthy Levels

7. The Level of Violation
The Self-Deceptive Manipulator
Desire: To maintain the belief that they haven't done anything selfish/wrong (holding on to people at all costs)
Fear: That they have permanently estranged their loved ones

8. The Level of Delusion and Compulsion
The Coercive Dominator
Desire: To get love from anyone in any way they can
Fear: That they are bad, selfish, and have violated others

9. The Level of Pathological Destructiveness
The Psychosomatic Victim
Desire: To vindicate themselves by falling apart and suffering
Fear: Basic Fear is realized: they have become unwanted and unlovable

From the appendix of Riso and Hudson's Personality Types