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Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 2:49 am
by Anthony
I had a very long and vivid dream last night—

It was late in the evening. I was walking, or rather, being pulled and gliding effortlessly, through an extremely frightening and dangerous ghetto. For a very long while—years, though I didn't know how many—I had been trailing behind and to the right of this tall, thin, young-looking black man wearing denim blue jeans and a light brown windbreaker. He didn't seem to know I was there, yet was connected to me in the way of a voodoo doll; wherever he went, I was pulled, floating, and whatever he felt, I felt it too. Together we traveled in a straight line, and at random, various people attempted to taunt, attack, frighten, and steal from him in vicious ways. Nobody else saw me either, but it hardly mattered since I'd been enduring all the same as him. It was like a gauntlet, a seemingly endless and inescapable one, and so we both felt almost totally hopeless and resigned to it.

At some point, however, we made it to the outskirts of the neighborhood where we traveled up a small hill and encountered an old woman sitting next to a water fountain. Upon closer inspection, the fountain was actually a tombstone, which meant whoever lay beneath it was someone important. In a rush to escape, the man I'd been trailing behind had accidentally stepped into it, and the old woman—who did seem to recognize me—looked at us both and eerily said "You've just made a biiiig mistake." Ignoring her, we made it to the edge of the hill, and the sky suddenly got a lot brighter. Looking down, there were four beautiful bronze metal stairs with a massive surface area, and each step was a 30-foot drop to the next. It was like a staircase made for giants. Nevertheless, the man began jumping down the steps and I followed along. After the very first leap, I became fully autonomous, and after every subsequent leap, the man seemed to morph into a slightly different person.

Upon reaching the bottom, the man had fully morphed into my brother, and he and I were standing on a bridge made of pure gold. This bridge led to an unusually large mansion that was tucked under the edge of the hill, with the grass of the hill draped over the entire rooftop. My brother then told me very convincingly that there was something like 'treasure' in the mansion and we needed to grab it in order to fully escape the ghetto and the entire rest of the city. So, we began looking for ways in, but the mansion made itself almost completely inaccessible to us. There were various staircases, all colored yellow, orange, or brown, that were supposed to lead to an entrance, but almost none of them did. Many were impractically winding, twisty, and impossible to walk over, while others led to tiny doors that you couldn't fit your body through, and some just led to barred windows. Dr. Suess must've been the architect, that's how it was. Anyhow, my brother eventually found a set of steps that led to the basement, and so we both went in. The house seemed even bigger on the inside, but much more plain. All of the walls were painted white and most of the house was just empty.

While anxiously scrambling to find the supposed "treasure" and not get caught, I eventually came across the owners of the mansion. They were in a very small, plain room in the back corner of the basement, sleeping on small couches. I almost felt bad for them, as they didn't seem to 'live up' to the overall appearance of their home. They were short in stature, visibly overweight, smelly, dirty, wearing dull clothes with holes in them, and just overall pathetic and depressing to look at. Upon seeing them, it occurred to me that my parents were also in the mansion, also having trespassed. They were in the top room of the house, also laying down, and I told them about everything that happened between me and my brother. My mom informed me that we were all going to get approximately 30 years in jail. This made me extremely angry, and so I attempted to attack my brother, going for his eyes, but he managed to dodge, remaining completely unaffected by me.

That was the end.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 9:47 am
by Anthony
I was sitting on top of a stack of cases of plastic water bottles in the middle of a Jewel-Osco and hugging my knees. It was after hours—a little after midnight, I think, and almost all of the lights were off except near the bathroom. The store was completely empty except for one employee who had been circling me for a fairly long while, trying to jump up, grab me, and pull me down from the stack of water bottle cases I was sitting on. He was unable; I guess I kept him there. At some point, I lept off and slid on my belly like a penguin on the ground all the way into the deli section, where I hid under one of the countertops. That was the end.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 2:43 pm
by Anthony
I had just entered my parents' house and was on my way up the stairs when I turned around to see a beautiful woman, perhaps my age, following me through the front door. Directly after, I had made it upstairs, stood at the entrance to my father's office, and exchanged some words with him about work and school. Then, I walked into my bedroom, and the woman followed, proceeded to sit on my lap, play with my hair, and urge me to have sex with her. So I listened, of course, and had the best time ever. But in the middle of it, my brother burst into my bedroom and began flashing his phone at me. On his screen were text messages from someone—I couldn't see all of them—explaining to him the fact that our mother was just seriously injured and required our immediate attention. I told the girl that I had to stop, apologized to her, and suggested that she wait for me in my room. I then followed my brother back downstairs, whereupon he, with his friends present, showed me the rest of the texts which revealed that I had just been pranked about my mom being injured. And what's more, they all had the nerve to enthusiastically inform me of their next prank: giving people cake that's actually just cardboard. I immediately erupted into a fit of rage, calmed down, and made my way back upstairs. Upon meeting once again with the woman in my room, she told me that she didn't want to talk to me for a while, but that maybe—but probably not—she'd give me another chance in 6-7 years, and she then proceeded to walk downstairs, leave my home, and I knew I wouldn't ever see her again. I felt, among other things—anger, sorrow, etc.—that something had been stolen from me. That was the end.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 1:07 am
by Anthony
Two dreams—

* * *
It was a warm, sunny morning. I was alone, standing outside in front of a library that resembled a church, surrounded by a lot of plain grass with a nearby cornfield—it seemed to be a pretty rural area. Upon walking into the library, I told myself, "This is where I'm free from harm. This is where I escape to," and the librarian lady at the front desk looked at me, agreed, and actually repeated that statement back to me, "This is where you're free from harm. This is where you escape to." Then, I walked over to one of the shelves, started reading an anatomy book, and the librarian lady's German Shepard ran up to me and invited me to play with it. It was a very sweet dog, and somehow, it managed to forcefully pull me to another shelf, where there were tons of children's stories. I almost felt overwhelmed by the dog's kindness—the librarian lady standing by, watching us—and felt anxious about having to leave the place.
* * *

* * *
It was around 11:00 PM, I was sitting at home in my bedroom, my brother and cousin were also in the house—the city house, where I'm at now—with me. I knew it wasn't very safe to go out, but I nevertheless felt pretty bored and invited my cousin and brother with me to go get some snacks from a local Walgreens, and perhaps drive around a little bit. So, we did, and it seemed very hectic outside. It wasn't exactly unsafe, but there was a lot of nightlife activity going on and everything had this 'grimy' and still 'unsafe' feel to it.
Eventually, we stopped at Walgreens, and instead of parking in the actual parking lot, I decided to park in a nearby alleyway. Right before my brother and I got out of the car, my cousin asked if we'd pick him up some ice cream at the Dairy Queen, which was right next door, right behind the Walgreens. Between us and the Dairy Queen, there were a lot of shady people standing around appearing to sell drugs, fight, etc., but I nevertheless agreed to go get the ice cream. There were also a LOT of police officers just standing around, spread out over the area.
My brother and I went to the Dairy Queen first, and on the way there, tried to avoid getting noticed. While waiting in line, a customer was having an intense screaming match with the cashier. A police officer stood there and did nothing. When the fight settled, which took an inordinately long time, and it was mine and my brothers' turn to order, the cashier told us we were exactly one minute late and that the store was closed. I was like, "Damn, whatever then. " Then the police officer offered to walk us to our car, past all the outside craziness.
As we walked back to the car, the police officer started questioning us about OUR supposed suspicious activity for no apparent reason. When we made it back to the car, I saw another police officer holding my cousin in handcuffs against a brick wall outside. I had no clue what happened. Then, my brother and I were instructed to lie down face-first on the pavement, and handcuffs were placed on both of us as well.
It felt like I was laying there for a REALLY long time. At this point, I became lucid—I knew I was dreaming but was still trapped in it, laying down face first in handcuffs on the pavement, and anxiously asking myself "Interesting dream, but how is the rest of it going to pan out?"

When I did finally wake up, my heart was beating pretty hard and fast, just as I felt it in the dream.
* * *

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 8:03 am
by Roshan
Two dreams on the same night, one right after the other, Anthony? Which cousin is this? What's your relationship with this cousin like?

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 4:27 pm
by Anthony
Yes, two dreams on the same night, the first one in the post came first, Roshan.

The cousin in my dream was my mom's brother's son, "Naeem," who happens to be only a few months older than me. We didn't have a relationship until late 2010, iirc, when he, his sister, and his mom moved from Baltimore to Chicago. He's probably a triple attached, 9w1 lead TiSe. We were forced to hang out a lot when we were little kids, and he was kind of a dick to me, but we understood each other pretty easily and got along well with each other for the most part, mostly playing video games, skateboarding, talking about girls, and teasing my little brother together and getting in trouble. As we aged, we quickly became very distant—we have different interests and so on—but we're very well-disposed to one another. I may or may not be meeting with him Friday, not sure yet.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 5:24 pm
by Roshan
Do you like ice cream, Anthony? Does he?

Re: Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 5:36 pm
by Anthony
Neither of us like ice cream any more than other sweets, Roshan, from what I remember about him at least.

Re: Dreams

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 6:25 pm
by Roshan
Why do you think it was your cousin who wanted the ice cream in the dream Anthony?

Re: Dreams

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 11:34 am
by Anthony
I don't know Roshan.