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Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 9:38 pm
by Roshan
Curtis Yarvin is well-known in the rightwing blogsphere as a post-libertarian and, following a few years absence, has been making the rounds lately saying why the United States should be a monarchy.

Choose one lead type, one tritype, one stacking, and one ct for him. DO NOT look at ANY other materials about him until after voting closes on Wednesday, May 25 at 6 pm NY time. If you're already familiar with him, let me know by pm before you vote.

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 What is Curtis Yarvin's Complete Type?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 9:41 pm
by Roshan

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 9:10 pm
by Roshan
Okay, I didn't vote because I've seen too many of his videos and know too much about him by now, but everybody (including me) agrees he's 359--with a 3:2 split of 5w6 v. 9w8 for lead. The stacking is a little all over the place but with a method to the madness with two so/sp, two sp/sx, and one sp/so, and for ct there are two NiTe, two SiTe, and one NeTi, which are the only types I considered for him.

Before you look into him further, just take a look at this short 25 year old video and see if anyone changes their vote/s. Post any change/s on this thread by 3 pm NYC time Friday; once you change your votes or decide you're going to keep them you can start to look into him, and after 3 on Friday I'll have quite a bit to show and say.

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 11:06 am
by Vincent
Hmmm, this "Berkeley Citizen" seems even more five-ish and alpha-ish to me in this video.
I'm less confident about the stacking but [so/sp] is still the one that makes the most sense to me at this point.

I'll try to rewatch some parts of the first video before the deadline, but i"ll keep my votes for now.

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 12:40 pm
by -Sarah-
I'll change my CT vote to NeTi and core type to 5w6 so/sp. My vote for the tritype is still the same.

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 1:09 pm
by e-ssam
changing my ct vote to NeTi.
5w6, 953 & sp/sx originally, not sure about the stacking now but I'll keep the rest as is.

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 2:41 pm
by Amy
I think I’ll change my CT vote to NeTi. I don’t think he’s SiTe anymore based on that video alone. A part of me is still contemplating if NiTe could now be it based on impressions alone, but I think it’s likelier that he comes across as more heavily introverted from having 5w6 as a lead. He seems aware enough of the audience’s reaction/ approval even while being very in his head that he doesn’t seem Fe PoLR. Also not sure about stacking, but I’ll leave my vote as so/sp (and 953 tritype) for now.

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 3:16 pm
by Roshan
Blogging under the name of Mencius Moldbug from 2007 to 2014, Curtis Yarvin coined the term 'red pilled'. He also coined the term 'the Cathedral' (now more commonly called the Blue Church) for what he sees as the liberal media-academic complex. So he has been extremely influential in the political events that coalesced around 2016 in the US and UK, in no small part online.

But he is by profession a geek through and through, and it is as a geek that he started developing Urbit in 2002, about which he speaks in the video below. (No, you def don't have to watch the whole video, just enough to get a good sense of his professional deportment and focus). But he was pushed out of Urbit in 2019 for such controversial statements as those mentioned in the wiki article (which I assume him to have made under the naive assumption of guaranteed anonymity). And in one recent interview in full bloom of his comeback, I saw him weep because the true truth tellers do not reap the temporal rewards.

atm we, including me, have consensus on all but the stacking, but e-ssam, I'm pretty sure it's so/SP, meaning social first with very high sp pulling up the sx. And that is indeed what his pen name suggests, if you look up Mencius and bear in mind what role a 'mold bug' would play in a 'culture'.

tbcd but I'm curious to know what occasioned the change to NeTi for -Sarah- and E-ssam. Thanks.

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 4:17 pm
by Anthony
I agree with NeTi so/SP 5w6 593. After seeing the second video, I think the 9 is probably 9w1(8w9) (moving away from 9w8, my original vote) and the 3 is 3w4.

Like Roshan, SiTe, NiTe, and NeTi were the only types I considered for him. It seemed clear to me that he wasn't 'first row S' after he began talking about 'crazy levels' of 20th-century governance and seamlessly produced very strange examples of 'things outside of the realm of sane things Tesla could do' such as reenslaving Haitians and becoming kings of dental floss. Not to mention the implications of the etymology of the word "Lord" and the funny idea of feminist poetry workshops turning Kandahar into Bennington.
It's not that SiTe can't do this, but to me, and in contrast to an Si dom like David Lynch, it seems like ideas are really not 'things' for Curtis—he seems really, really 'first row N.'
I had a hard time telling whether he was NiTe or NeTi. Fe PoLR seemed unlikely, but upon voting, all of that^^^ struck me as very specifically Ni (now I think it's just 'N') and so I went with NiTe.
The second video also struck me as very alpha-ish, and after a rewatch of the first vid, I find it very easy to see him as my Fi PoLR mirror. There's something very 'Luciferian' about him that I've only ever seen with Fi PoLR and never with Fi agenda.

Sp/So, Sp/Sx, and So/Sp were the only stackings I considered. I don't recall exactly what made me move away from Sp/So other than the fact that after a certain point he 'just seemed very counterflow,' energetically—right between a creepy-crawly Sp/Sx and an So/Sp titan, which meant he had to be SP/sx or so/SP. I think I confused Fi PoLR with social last and ended up going with Sp/Sx.
Concerning his lead type, the second video makes 5w6 lead seem very clear, but in the first video he seemed equally 9 'in 8' and 5w6 to me, and I ended up going with 9 lead for the sole reason of talking style 'Saga.'

Re: Gram the Grown Up #7 Curtis Yarvin

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 5:06 pm
by Roshan
Anthony wrote: Fri May 27, 2022 4:17 pm
I think I confused Fi PoLR with social last and ended up going with Sp/Sx.
Why? There's a really strong correlation of Fe to high social and Fi to low social.