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NF and Aphorisms

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:59 am
by Roshan
NiFe is well-known for its aphorisms but I found it fascinating that in his substack,Benjamin A. Boyce refers to himself as 'aphorist & interviewer'.

In fact, I only just found out that he had a substack when he read the entry, A Spectrum of Gender Spectrums, outloud on his yt channel yesterday. The article is actually incredibly convoluted and long-winded but whatever, and anyway I wouldn't deny he interjects an aphorism or two into the cool lava spin & spew.

Our resident/non-resident FiNe certainly writes aphoristically a lot. It's often like reading a film noir I Ching but in color.

Anyway, just wanted to plant a seed about the possibility of a connection between NF and aphoristic cognition and/or just expression.

Re: NF and Aphorisms

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 4:18 pm
by Vincent

Just thinking about the philosophers typing list we had on enneaforum... Augustine, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer.
Yeah, seems like there is a pretty good possibility for that connection.

I assumed it had something to do with Ni and Ti together, but if it shows in Ni ignoring and Ti polr NeFi it might indeed be a temperamental thing instead.
Will have to think about it more.

(Makes me think i might have mistyped Hegel, who might very well be FeNi with some degree of "Te possession", but that's another story...)