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Frank Zappa

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:52 pm
by Roshan
ENTP with heavy INTJ?

Re: Frank Zappa

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:54 pm
by Roshan
E-wise he seems to be [sp/sx] 5w66w7-1w99w8-3w42w3 or some such. I am pretty confident he's triple competency.

Re: Frank Zappa

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:03 pm
by Roshan
His music is way NeTi, so is his disembodied sandboxy Gumby doll physique. But interpersonally it's hard for me to distinguish between Fe and Fi PolR with him, oddly. Does he have parallel development Ne/Si and an underdeveloped third slot by comparison?

Re: Frank Zappa

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:30 pm
by Roshan
On second thought would he be creative subtype NeTi iwth an Si pipeline and relatively undeveloped Fe?

Bear in mind regarding Si he was drawn as a youth to modern classical music; Beethoven, Mozart were just never interesting. His Si seems extremely selective but unusually forceful. It's like it's all mixed up with his Se role, assuming NeTi.

NeTi is the go-to but some, thinking outside of the box, suggest TiSe; some fewer propose Ni dominant. But he's too unconcerned with subduing the chaos of the time vortex and anyway he seems like a dark alpha to me. He can unleash all the Fi-ish-ish judgmental vitriol he likes about aesthetics and whatnot; ultimately it's still authoritative and he's still goofy.

Re: Frank Zappa

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:35 am
by Vincent
NeTi would have been my guess too, based on what i knew about him.
But now that i watched the videos, i'm not so sure

The thing is... his Si selectiveness and Fi-ish vitriol about aesthetics actually reminds me a lot of my father, who would say the exact same thing about Mozart and Beethoven, who also listens to a lot of Jazz and Rythm&Blues, and only likes his Rock if its "progressive"...etc... the similarities here are rather uncanny.

I don't think he can be TiSe (Ne polr really doesn't work, and neither does Beta) and i agree NiTe doesn't seem right, but he definitely has some of that "suffers no fool" vibe and a bluntness that doesn't seem that demonstrative, i wonder if he might actually be Te aux/Fe polr. a relatively alphaized SiTe with parallel development Ne ?
I definitely agree he is goofy, more than i would expect SiTe to be, but... that's alo a lot of 1 for NeTi and alpha.

Another thing that struck me btw : when prompted to play association games, with the word "Hendrix", he .. ;starts telling stories. I would expect NeTi to play first, and only narrate later.

Re: Frank Zappa

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 7:57 am
by Roshan
Well, he certainly seems Fi PolR enough, Vincent, And is very broody for NeTi. SiTe with parallel development (or a pipeline?) is an interesting idea. Let me rewatch and watch more and sit with it. If he were tallking about his medical practice or his social studies class it would be a slam dunk.

Re: Frank Zappa

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:09 am
by Roshan
Roshan wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:30 pm
NeTi is the go-to but some, thinking outside of the box, suggest TiSe; some fewer propose Ni dominant. But he's too unconcerned with subduing the chaos of the time vortex
As an Si dominant, this would be because for him it's already subdued and he's concerned with breaking it with Ne.

Re: Frank Zappa

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:04 pm
by Vincent
Roshan wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 8:09 am
Roshan wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:30 pm
NeTi is the go-to but some, thinking outside of the box, suggest TiSe; some fewer propose Ni dominant. But he's too unconcerned with subduing the chaos of the time vortex
As an Si dominant, this would be because for him it's already subdued and he's concerned with breaking it with Ne.
Right, and that seems very possible to me so far.
I mean, the first thing that comes to his mind thinking about Woodstock is "the mud"...

But will see