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TiNe Konstantin supervises NeFi Benjamin

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:34 am
by Roshan
I just found this video from last year of Benjamin Boyce interviewing Konstantin Kisin. Perhaps it will shed some light on what Ti PolR is and what it isn't. I've only watched the first few minutes so far but Konstantin makes it implicitly clear that changes in life need to be integrated into one's worldview, thus altering both how one perceives and how one acts in specific ways that cause growth. And this growth emerges from a process of problem solving. (First the problem with having an Internet show was people didn't know me, then it was that they knew me and didn't like me, and then that I was so known I had to be careful with what I said). Benjamin's body language and responses suggest he did not expect such an answer; he seems to be taken a bit aback. NeFi wants to ride the waves (which is what makes its Fi so expedient). But Ti sees phenomena more as particles. The thumbnail, with Konstantin's hands showing precision--with closed circuits and balanced hands--while Benjamin watches them intently, seems to indicate that Benjamin is on some level aware of the supervision. Konstantin doesn't surf; he sifts.

Re: TiNe Konstantin supervises NeFi Benjamin

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:46 am
by Roshan
@8 minutes:
BB: it was an issue of understanding then, first and foremost?
KK: Absolutely. And that's what it continues to be.

Not experience for the sake of experience. Experience seen fundamentally as a process of learning.

Re: TiNe Konstantin supervises NeFi Benjamin

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:03 am
by Roshan
@9'25" KK: We basically started connecting the dots between the different things so...
BB: Mmm.

Re: TiNe Konstantin supervises NeFi Benjamin

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 8:07 am
by Roshan
Well, I really didn't expect it to be laid out so soon or so starkly but it is. KK talks about connecting this, this, that and that, all the modern political phenomena are connected, he assierts.. BB wants to know, does KK not worry about becoming a conspiracy theorist?

Re: TiNe Konstantin supervises NeFi Benjamin

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:17 am
by Roshan
Here's the interview of Boyce on Triggernometry which had preceded this.