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'Gram The Grown Up #8 Kim Kardashian

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:25 am
by Roshan
Use these and any other sources. Poll closes 4 pm NY time, Sunday, January 8.

Image search Kim Kardashian young.

Re: 'Gram The Grown Up #8 Kim Cardassian

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:20 am
by Anthony
My vote was sx/SP 2w1 269 FeSi

I was immediately tempted to type her as 2w3 leading based on very superficial characteristics alone, having known nothing of her other than things I've overheard incidentally, but moved to 2w1 after realizing just how little she mirrors (despite being 6 and 9 fixed, rather clearly imo) and how that's likely a major reason people often find her so irritating. So much of her entire reputation is about her sitting behind this massive Sp 2w1 ditzy rich girl human doll wall (I know 'ditziness' is associated more with 2w3, but it's still not inconsistent with 2w1, especially one with 6w7(7w8)), that it has an effect parallel to what happens with overly narcissistic, arrogant 3w4s, who often start to lose their ability to mirror effectively. People feel excluded unjustly; those at the top don't know anything about what it's like down here. There's also what seems to be her fixation on making sure everyone knows just how hard she works—and it seems very compliant, considering how fervently she insists upon it. A 2w3 lead would be smoother, I think. She's not a Host (73 questions Vogue interview), she's not in rapport; she's snooty, not relational, and even when she began to 'free' herself by 'freeing' others (E2 Holy Freedom ofc) , it was...becoming a lawyer and commuting people's prison sentences (also playing on justice and mercy—themes of the 1/2 line, as opposed to a more direct interpersonal approach). ... work-ethic (there are multiple similar articles; if she were 2w3, I'm not sure she'd have as many problems like this)

Her childhood photos, this video, had me convinced of synflow, sx/SP-->sp/so specifically. But I'm realizing SP/sx (between your guys' comments, the comparison to Sarah, etc.) should have been obvious, and that I landed on sx/SP probably in trying to account for what I was missing—I saw her as a seducer 'infused' heavily with materialism, but missed that THAT could easily be sp/sx even as I was staring right at it. She is obsessed with homes as shrines. Her entire [very large] reputation is formulated around...that autonomous 'self-extrication' from the regular course ('flow') of phenomena that you see in counterflow, and she whips up a cosmic storm. As Roshan noted in PM, it's inhuman (and I'd add that even her butt is "inhumanly large").

tbcd (fell asleep earlier than expected, woke up, and going back to sleep)

Re: 'Gram The Grown Up #8 Kim Cardassian

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:53 pm
by Anthony
(continuing the last post)

Her very heavy Sp wall stands out most to me in the Vogue 73 questions interview. She seems incredibly guarded throughout the whole thing, and it's clearest right toward the end when the interviewer asks for a free pair of Yeezys. It's another reason people don't like her; it further substantiates her impression of being untouchable. The only two talents she talked about having were her ability to "sniff out cavities" and "do anything with her toes" (Kendall mentioned this one first, which is why she talked about it), which is ofc incredibly sp/sx (and not very sx/sp) to say (not to mention her [proudly] talking about the rumor that she's killed raccoons with her high heels). Her obliviousness is so passive-aggressively large and ostentatious (albeit with an Sp 2 'little girl' demeanor) that it makes her inaccessible, and since she has such heavy gravitas, it makes more sense she'd have 9w8(1w9) than 9w1(8w9), as opposed to what I initially thought.

Last, I think it's interesting to compare her to LDR. There's something very...savvy and deliberately manipulative about LDR [in her being an Sp 2 me first little girl] compared to Kim K. that I think highlights her deceit and by extension the difference between 2w3 and 2w1. LDR reminds me of Angela from American Beauty; she could easily be in the cast of Mean Girls. I think it only SEEMS like you can say the same thing about Kim K., who all-in-all seems considerably less self-conscious (compared to LDR closely and threeishly watching you watch her and modifying her behavior/statements accordingly) and oblivious of what could make her unpopular.

I also found this interesting link. Check out #7 on the list. ... -offenders

I agree with your guys' typing as discussed in PM: SP/sx 2w1(3w2 imo)-6w7(7w8)-9w8(1w9)

Re: 'Gram The Grown Up #8 Kim Cardassian

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:39 pm
by Roshan
Anthony wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 1:20 am

I was immediately tempted to type her as 2w3 leading based on very superficial characteristics alone, having known nothing of her other than things I've overheard incidentally, but moved to 2w1 after realizing just how little she mirrors (despite being 6 and 9 fixed, rather clearly imo) and how that's likely a major reason people often find her so irritating. So much of her entire reputation is about her sitting behind this massive Sp 2w1 ditzy rich girl human doll wall (I know 'ditziness' is associated more with 2w3, but it's still not inconsistent with 2w1, especially one with 6w7(7w8)), that it has an effect parallel to what happens with overly narcissistic, arrogant 3w4s, who often start to lose their ability to mirror effectively. People feel excluded unjustly; those at the top don't know anything about what it's like down here. There's also what seems to be her fixation on making sure everyone knows just how hard she works—and it seems very compliant, considering how fervently she insists upon it. A 2w3 lead would be smoother, I think. She's not a Host (73 questions Vogue interview), she's not in rapport; she's snooty, not relational, and even when she began to 'free' herself by 'freeing' others (E2 Holy Freedom ofc) , it was...becoming a lawyer and commuting people's prison sentences (also playing on justice and mercy—themes of the 1/2 line, as opposed to a more direct interpersonal approach). ... work-ethic (there are multiple similar articles; if she were 2w3, I'm not sure she'd have as many problems like this)
All well and good, Anthony, but where did the possible 6 typing come into play?

I myself thought for some time, from a distance looking cursorily but with growing interest, that she was a [sx/sp] 6 of some sort. I also thought she was probably 3 fixed. It was when I watched the Hassan video that I realized, with her sandwiched between him and the photo of Kanye, that there was just no way she could be a triple attached Six the same as both of them. Then it didn't take long to click with all her talk about 'freedom' and 'me' that she was neither 6 lead nor 3 fixed but a 2 lead. (The sp first was clear in that interview too). You had said in the chat that you did consider 6 lead, while Vincent did not. Where did that fit in to your musings between 2w3 and 2w1?

Re: 'Gram The Grown Up #8 Kim Cardassian

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:10 am
by Anthony
Yes, on top of 2 leading, I also considered that she might be an Sx/Sp 6w7 while watching the Hasan video. It wasn't a very strong consideration; I was heavily considering 2 leading already, and I think the impression was significantly informed by what [little] I already knew of her. Ultimately, I saw her as a 2/3-line-6/7-line Hollywood ditz with a marked social last gluttonous counterphobia, but I knew that the collective perception of her was "unabashedly exhibitionistic and ignorant of her status/wealth" and thought she might be 6ishly testing the public. I also thought "she really looks, though, like she could be an Sx/Sp 6"—she seemed 6/7ishly extravagant and Sx 6ishly statuesque—and both the young and more recent photos of her supported that view. "Strength and beauty" as a theme seemed obvious in the younger ones especially; she seemed to vacillate between timidity and 'posturing bravely.' I didn't think she could be 7 fixed, and she's just way too gullible and open for any real 5.

But it was for similar reasons as you that I switched to 2 lead: too much 'freedom' and 'little girl-ness,' essentially. I gained a better understanding of the trajectory of her life while listening to her, and the transition from 'Hollywood floozy' to 'law school and prison reformation' reminded me a lot of the movie Legally Blonde and ultimately struck me as very twoish.

Re: 'Gram The Grown Up #8 Kim Cardassian

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 7:56 am
by Roshan
"I knew that the collective perception of her was "unabashedly exhibitionistic and ignorant of her status/wealth" and thought she might be 6ishly testing the public. I also thought "she really looks, though, like she could be an Sx/Sp 6"—she seemed 6/7ishly extravagant and Sx 6ishly statuesque—and both the young and more recent photos of her supported that view. "Strength and beauty" as a theme seemed obvious in the younger ones especially; she seemed to vacillate between timidity and 'posturing bravely.'"

Another point scored in favor of stack/fix correlations. By that way of thinking, she is in some very real sense an sx Six.