Marianne Williamson is a very successful author and teacher of A Course In Miracles who ran as a Democrat for president in 2020 and is considering running against Biden in 2024. She just had an unusual interview with Revolutionary Blackout Network about this possible candidacy. Use the following and any other materials you want to type Marianne, including her health level. You have until Saturday, February 11, at 12 noon NY time.
Edit: Vincent clarified he meant to vote sp/so stacking but accidentally clicked so/sx.
For any other type it might be a different story. But as a 2w3 she is sx last pretty clearly. In the first video in the OP no but there she's in the spotlight under time pressure, wearing a lot of make-up and taking a lot of heat; in the second video it seems to me it's obvious. It's also obvious here and in other earlier videos (why two weeks were given for her typing). 'Pure as the driven snow'. It's a lot of the reason why she's so Oneish while not having One as the main wing (whether it's even a subwing at this point I find debatable). Plus she's 70 years old and stacks move.
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:12 pm
by Roshan
In fact, Marianne WIlliamson seems to me as "Me" as Me can be, and everything that went wrong in the Revolutionary Blackout interview seems to me it was because of her humungous "Me". The fact is almost nothing that went wrong HAD to go wrong and it did. There's a reason she wound up being called a 'damsel in distress', 'manipulative', 'self-absorbed', in a 'vanity project', etc. by the commentators and commenters. And it shouldn't be happening at Level FOUR.
Mansplaining? Seriously?
Walking away miffed like that dabbing tears with lace hanky from three Se heavy, genuinely working class, 'revolutionary' black men is social first? To paraphrase her parting words: "Sabby, you're good to ME, You can talk to ME anytime"...
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:48 pm
by Roshan
So I discovered that MW actually did run for at least MORE local office than President eight years ago. She ran for the US House of Representatives from a posh area of LA County. I'm not quite sure why she did not mention this to Sabby. Be that as it may, a lot of celebrities, including T9I/EF stalwarts Kim K. and Alanis M. rallied around her, and here is a campaign video from that time. Note, "MY campaign in MY words". That said, I believe they are HER words (Holy Freedom, my turn to talk) and she had very well-developed Ti by then for a FeSi, especially one who was so involved for so long in mystical stuff. This was 2014. It was PRE-Bernie Sanders campaign and she yet she touched on most of the sinews and the fibers of the poltical and economic rot, beyond Te role.
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:01 pm
by Roshan
Now, all that said about her Ti development at the time of the candidacy, the tabloid aspects of this artcle from that time make me suspect that she has not actually been at L4 for THAT long. Seems like she was still intrusive > effusive behind the scenes back then, and was capable of even dipping into L8 coercive dominator (and who would deny the self-importance of the sainthood even now anyway?).
I keep getting the feeling that it's the Me-ness of the sp 2 that keeps getting in the way of consistent higher health. I found her walking out on those guys in RBN without pledging to continue the discussion frankly appalling. Yes, they behaved badly but she pulled out 'mansplaining' BEFORE that happened; it seems to be what motivated the two betas to ambush her in a 'beta dare'. And she totally failed the dare and wound up behaving WORSE than them, in my view. I don't think this would have happened if she were a social or an sx 2 and not so 'me'-consumed.
I also find in the Charlie Rose interview from 1992 that there was a LOT of: aggressive 8 movement underlying it all, VERY heavy 7 fix, and a lot of 3 deceit. I wouldn't be surprised if she's 2 all the way in 3 and her Oneishness is a deceitful act that she now just reflexively wears all the time, and that at the time of the Rose interview she actually WAS a L6 self-important saint who Threeishly seemed healthier than she was, 'axiomatically', as Riso Hudson say of the health levels of Three.
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:48 pm
by Roshan
So this is the background for how the interview between MW and RBN wound up happening: The Vanguard interviewed MW about her potential candidacy and were visibly quite smitten with her. The key to the "Me" is in her response to whether she would run third party @15'10-16'02". She said that as Trump had said in 2016 of the Repubs, it would depend on how she was treated by the Dems. Proving once again that 2 is the 'female' 8. (Edit: To be fair, Gavin paved the way for this response).
Then the notoriously Ni PolR (and Ti inferior) Briahna Joy Gray exultantly gushed on another show that MW had said she WOULD make a 'dirty break' and run third party. This was a mischaracterization, which RBN called out, but they beta-dareishly exaggerated it by saying BJG lied. BJG did not lie, she just spoke with stars in her eyes and foot in her mouth. All this caused a big kerfuffle of which MW got wind, which is why she went on RBN to begin with, and why she started off in that interview by chuckling that yes, she heard they were concerned about the third party issue.
So that is the back story of what preceded that cataclysmic interview, and since MW was well aware of it all, it was all the more reason for her to be prepared for some real aggression and to hold her ground. Instead she wound up acting like she had done them a favor (2, and NOT high average 2 either) by coming on their show at all when they had behaved inappropriately tsk tsk, and they did not give her what was 'owed' to her for 'bestowing' her presence (2w3) upon them. Which...ugh.
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:00 pm
by Roshan
Proposed typing for Marianne Williamson:
sp/SO 2w33w4-7w66w5-9w11w2, L4, FeSi with heavy creative subtype.
Marianne Williamson is apparently very Oneish and she had me fooled. I thought she was 2w1. Then I moved her to 2w3 with 1w2 subwing, but after seeing the Charlie Rose interview I think it's 2 all the way in 3. She was just relentlessly seductive when younger and that seduction was waaay more sexual than service. I also thought the 9 was second but now I'm all but positive it's the 7. She is very Sevenish with Charlie Rose and also 'opportunistic idealism' just really fits her.
My current belief is the apparent Oneishness comes from a combination of the proficiency stacking, 7 movement to 1, 9 all the way in 1, a deceitful Threeish cultivation of the appearance of 'sainthood' which is by now second nature, and creative subtype stacking.
Her health level can't be COG in the upper levels because she behaved disgracefully under perceived pressure she should have easily anticipated and handled. But her Ti is too developed--without being either parallel development or a pipeline--and her Ni PolR not heavy enough for her to be 'just average'. And yet she deteriorated to L7 when the two actual betas came in to counter her 'mansplaining' accusation to SiFe/Se unignoring Nick with a beta dare. This deterioration to unhealthy levels I attribute to the tension of E2 lead with sp lead. Quite simply, she had a hissy fit. Ah well. I like Marianne but she blew it.
This is not to say she didn't have her fans who think she behaved superbly, no. What happened was it all deepened the divide between let's say Jimmy Dore's 'dirtbag left' and what RBN calls 'the NATO left'. And another way we could look at this is the Se v. the Si left and their respective allies.
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:39 am
by Vincent
Roshan wrote: ↑Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:06 pmEdit: Vincent clarified he meant to vote sp/so stacking but accidentally clicked so/sx.
Yes, that was a missclick. I meant to vote sp/SO.
By the end of the second video, she struck me pretty strongly and specifically as a SP 2 who tried to play doll in the wrong house, so to speak,and reverted/regressed to some of the worst aspects of it at the slightest perceived offense.
The tritype and the polr (who are certainly not un-correlated btw) were also clear to me pretty quickly.
My hesitations with her were between FeSi creative and TeSi creative and between L4 and L5.
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 12:21 pm
by Roshan
Vincent wrote: ↑Sun Feb 12, 2023 7:39 am
a SP 2 who tried to play doll in the wrong house
hahaha Yeah, that about sums it up.
Re: Gram the Grown-Up #10 Marianne Williamson
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 6:20 pm
by Anthony
This was perhaps the main video that made me think so/sx > sp/so. Setting up the iPhone to record vertically and standing in front of a bland background with 'messy' hair to have a wet and intimate pep talk with the country, compelling them to cultivate their inner transformative energy, did not strike me as Sp dominant. I think she still has occasional moments of relentless sexual seduction; she even seems a little unhinged there, and I'm sure you can imagine who it reminded me of, but I think it might only be her 'faking it till she makes it' health level-wise—doing 'authenticity' chin-ups, so to say, to get from 2-->4. On the other hand, the triple-positivity and 7-fix should've been obvious.
My hesitations with her typing were FeSi vs. TeSi (this was really on a small hesitation early on), 6w7 vs. 7w6, sp/so vs. so/sx, and L4 vs. L5. tbcd