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Type 1 Health Levels

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:02 pm
by Roshan

Re: Type 1 Health Levels

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:28 pm
by Anthony
Type 1: Fears and desires at each health level:

Healthy Levels

1. The Level of Liberation
The Wise Realist
Desire: (Self-actualization) To let go of their identification with a particular self-image, that they are in a position to judge anything objectively
Fear: (Basic Fear) Of being corrupt, evil, defective (imbalanced)

2. The Level of Psychological Capacity
The Reasonable Person
Desire: (Basic Desire) To be good, to have integrity, to be in balance with everything
Fear: (First of Secondary Fears) That their subjective feelings and impulses will lead them astray (impair their reason)

3. The Level of Social Value
The Principled Teacher
Desire: (First of Secondary Desires) To act in accordance with their conscience and reason
Fear: That others are indifferent to their principles

Average Levels

4. The Level of Imbalance
The Idealistic Reformer
Desire: To "fix"/improve themselves and their world
Fear: That they will be condemned for deviating from their own ideals

5. The Level of Interpersonal Control
The Orderly Person
Desire: That everything in their lives be consistent with their ideals
Fear: That others will "mess up" the order and balance they have achieved

6. The Level of Overcompensation
The Judgmental Perfectionist
Desire: To reproach others for not meeting their ideals/standards
Fear: That their ideals are actually wrong

Unhealthy Levels

7. The Level of Violation
The Intolerant Misanthrope
Desire: To justify themselves and silence criticism (from self and others)
Fear: That they are becoming irrational

8. The Level of Delusion and Compulsion
The Obsessive Hypocrite
Desire: To consciously control their unconscious/irrational impulses
Fear: That they are losing all control of themselves

9. The Level of Pathological Destructiveness
The Punitive Avenger
Desire: To rid themselves of the apparent cause(s) of their obsessions and emotional disorder
Fear: Basic Fear is realized: that they are corrupted, "evil," and defective/imbalanced

From the appendix of Riso and Hudson's Personality Types