The intro to the video sums up her public background pretty well.
She appears to be an SiFe moving heavy into SeFi. She also appears to be a 9 (I guess 9w18w9) But she goes in and out of being extraordinarily Sixish and Twoish such that it's hard to tell the order, but I'm kind of settled on 962. I'm also vacillating, based on a follow-up video I'll post later, between [sp/so] and [so/sp], but I suspect the appearance of [so/sp] has to do with the movement to SeFi. She weaves in and out of being extremely self-effacing and equally aggressive.
This is quite the saga and the follow-up video is more of the same saga--without meaning to diminish what she's going through. I will put in some time stamps. You get to see the range of the aggression by around 20 minutes; the vulnerability of the self-deprecation comes later.
(Edit: Sorry, Vincent, here's the video. She starts to segway into self-dep mode at around 1:18', when she transitions from from the first half, which is libertarians are closet conservatives obsessed with drag queens, to the second--nobody watches my really important content. I know, it's asking a lot to ride through the saga bramble).
Karlyn Borysenko
Karlyn Borysenko
Last edited by Roshan on Sat May 06, 2023 5:21 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Re: Karlyn Borysenko
On her community page ... eX9Euz_bgv she keeps posting "I'll look forward to receiving your donation to pay my mortgage so I can keep making videos no one watches." to people who encourage her to continue doing the autism sex ed expose' series--the one she complained in the video that "you" don't watch--without making a commitment to it.
Which is odd, considering she said in the video it wasn't about the money but whatever. She is [sp/so].
Which is odd, considering she said in the video it wasn't about the money but whatever. She is [sp/so].
Last edited by Roshan on Sat May 06, 2023 6:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.