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Kshama Sawant, left wing activist/politician

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:33 pm
by Roshan
What's her complete Enneagram type and ct, including subwings, ranges, subtype, etc. @13'35" to 2:29'52". (It's long but I found her rather fascinating).

Re: Kshama Sawant, left wing activist/politician

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:29 am
by Vincent
My current guess/vote would be so/SP -> sp/sx 6w5(7w6) 2w1(3w2) 1w2(9w1)
FiSe with strong creative subtype


Re: Kshama Sawant, left wing activist/politician

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:48 pm
by Roshan
Well, what I came up with was sp/sx 1w92w1-2w13w2-6w75w6, SiTe with fully developed Ne, but there are problems with this. As discussed, I do think the sp/sx is right and she really does seem to me like a 1 (though it's hard to imagine one soooo loquatious), and you gave very good arguments for why gamma Vincent. Aaaand tbcd.

Re: Kshama Sawant, left wing activist/politician

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:30 pm
by Roshan
Rewatching and starting to notice just how much anxiety she has. Not totally sure that would make the 6 lead, since sp 1 is the "Worry One", but I don't think even a Worry One's anxiety would be so overt.

Anyway, here she is in some different contexts:

You can skip around this last one to the parts where she speaks, but just try to get an idea of what she's responding to.

Re: Kshama Sawant, left wing activist/politician

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:26 pm
by Roshan
My typing thus far is sp/sx 6w75w6-1w92w1-2w13w2, FiSe. Vincent agrees with me on everything except the wing on the 1, which we forgot to discuss, but I think that, especially if she is going to have 6w7 lead, she will need the 9 wing on the 1 to tamp things down.

Her sp/sx stacking is clear in her lack of peripheral vision and of instinct to bond with, or even look at, her interlocutor when speaking in the same room, because she has apparently given herself instructions to 'face the audience'. This is social last. The sp/sx 'binger' range is moving toward SP/sx 'ascetic' but remains midstream. It would make sense for it to be SP/sx because she's so boundaried and it would put her right in the [so/sp] stream, but, though she looks like SP/sx ascetic, she doesn't sound like it. In her speech, her sx is too high, too uncontrolled, combustible.

She is a paradigmatic triple compliant ("The person who was most resistant to making me the candidate was me, because you know I didn't want to do this, but we have to do what we have to do when there are democratic decisions being taken by the organization" (first video, 1:07'58"). This triple compliance is an uneasy fit with a midstream sp/sx stacking, and also with sx 1 Zeal, making her a very interesting and unusual exemplar for our annals.

Re: Kshama Sawant, left wing activist/politician

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:19 pm
by Vincent
Roshan wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:26 pm My typing thus far is sp/sx 6w75w6-1w92w1-2w13w2, FiSe. Vincent agrees with me on everything except the wing on the 1, which we forgot to discuss, but I think that, especially if she is going to have 6w7 lead, she will need the 9 wing on the 1 to tamp things down.
At this point, after i watched the new vides, i'm pretty much sold on both 6w7 lead.
Watching her "on stage" interacting with people pretty much dissolves the impression of avarice. Especially with sp/sx instinct stacking.
I was aslo already willing to give her a 9 wing when i was tempted to type her as 1 lead, but even more so now.

Re: Kshama Sawant, left wing activist/politician

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:53 am
by Roshan
Vincent wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:19 pm
I was aslo already willing to give her a 9 wing when i was tempted to type her as 1 lead, but even more so now.
Yes, especially with the 1 not leading it is probably w9.