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Robert Epstein, Google Election Interference Analyst

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:39 am
by Roshan

Re: Robert Epstein, Google Election Interference Analyst

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 12:30 pm
by Vincent
At very first glance from the still image in the thumbnail he reminded me quite a bit of my SiTe father but that impression was quickly and completely dispelled when i saw him moving and heard him talking.

Who he actually quite strongly reminds me of now is Bart Ehrman, once a born again Christian now an agnostical biblical scholar looking for "the historical Jesus" behind textual "contradictions" and "forgeries".

My typing for both of them would be SiFe creative.

They both want to be "true believers" except they can't because their Te polr canary in the coal mine just knows that "something isn't quite right there".
So they gather and scrutinize datas and build Ti theories and systems to "prove" it (except it still doesn't have enough actual Te to be really conclusive) and find Ne authority.
And then they attempt to move to SeFi shadow/aura and end up seeing themselves as Davids singlehandedly "saving our children" from Goliath.

Re: Robert Epstein, Google Election Interference Analyst

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:15 pm
by Roshan
I also thought he was SiTe at first and that impression was very quickly dispelled. I realized he had to be Alpha but the problem was I was trying to make him a thinker, but I couldn't make him NeTi or TiNe. And that's where I got stumped. It didn't occur to me to make him a feeler, and especially not a Te PolR one. But now I see the error of my ways. He is an altar boy. :mrgreen:

One with Si data categories masquerading as Te data analysis.