Calley Means has a sheer crispiness to his delivery that I don't think Te PolR can aspire to, regardless of whether it's on an Si dominant followed closely by Ti. He also has periodic hand gestures of pointing and otherwise 'extruding' his arm for emphasis and force, which are not Te PolR.
And then, regardless of these forceful extrusions, there is a nervous energy with a breathless quality to him that conveys a subtle underlying panic, and this accompanied by times where he is really physically 'huddled in on himself'. It is not S dominant and is easily Se PolR upon inspection, as though he is in mortal combat with 'the elements', the forces that be.
What is lacking for any SiFe I've seen is a certain haziness that is simultaneously grounded, a sense of going implaccably deep inside to the center
of the body, and I don't think this quality would be
completely absent in an SiTi.
I will say--and on this we agree--that he does seem 'dualized'. Lucky him. Before entering the health field, he was a partner in a bridal business with his wife, and this we also agreed is something we could easily see an Se PolR doing--going along with the flow with a partner because rudderless, and really getting into it.
"pretty much everything in this video stroke me as both very alpha and very ST." There is no question that he is Alpha, and, as discussed, if he is TiSi he effectively is ST.
How does your student compare to him energetically,