With the first video, I thought she was SiFe and he was maybe TeSi, and Vincent thought she was TeSi, or maybe FeSi, and he was SiFe. So that wasn't very helpful. I pointed out that she does things like putting a translation of "to be hungry" into English, with no rhyme or reason as to level of difficulty, and Vincent said (correctly) that this goes beyond Te PolR to Ni PolR (no center or limits, all things have equal value). With the second video, it became clear to me that she could not be Te PolR, due to her extremely efficient affect while teaching, and at some point Vincent also suggested he might be something we hadn't considered--a yin TiSe.
Then I found the third video and in it he not only looks much higher Se but talks about how he has formed two companies and then travelled the world and how he is basically a gym rat and runs all the time. Yet he also has the 'fuzziness' of Ne PolR. So we both agreed on TiSe for him, and with her Te being more muted in this video, we settled on FeSi with Te role, creative subtype (very high Si), for her. Her comment about starting books and then forgetting she started them and starting others fits right in with Ni PolR.
Re: Elisabeth and Mathieu, HelloFrench
Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:45 am
by Roshan
Regarding Enneagram, I thought she was a Two-fixed Nine and he was a ninish Six from the first video, but after seeing her in the second video and starting to see what Vincent saw about him being SiFe in the first, I thought she was 3-fixed and he might not be a Six after all. Vincent questioned if she might actually be a Three. But after the third video, it's clear that she is a Nine (her worst trait is not assertive enough...) and he is a Six. Still not sure about her heart fix though, and haven't given any real thought to her head fix (kind of assumed 6w7 but guess it might be 7w6). He is clearly 3 fixed.
My original reason for posting them was that I couldn't pinpoint his ct but there is still a bit to do on the Enneagram side. They both seem sp/so.