Julian Assange Redux
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:13 am
Two days ago, after seeing yet another typing of Assange as a Five, I took a dive into him to make sure I still thought he was a social Seven, and then I found out he'd just been released from prison at around the same time. Those synchronicities... Anyway, not only do I still think he's a social Seven, I still agree with the complete typing here--so/SP 7w6(6w5)-9w1(1w2)-2w1(1w2)--except that I have no clue why I thought he had stronger than average sp for [so/sp]. Undoubtedly, his social can't be competing with his sp for first place. Be that as it may, I want to give a few reasons for my typing since the Enneaforum thread is a stub (and the sombre.me thread Sylvia and I made on him is alas long gone with the site).
I'll start here with the video below by Glenn Greenwald about his release, just because it's the one I happen to have at hand. Greenwald interviews him in 2010 (right before the Collateral Murder leak about the US Army targeting civilians in Iraq that made his name a household word) and asks him what Wikileaks is and he answers from 23'58" to 25'02". Can you count the number of Sevenisms in this short time span?
Now at 26'00" we see a photo of him from Time Magazine. Look, it's Peter Pan about to fly out the window!
And what a flight it's going to be...Julian Assange's so/sp stacking (and second and third fix wings) gave him his social Seven Martyr's pretext for flying--to save civilization--but the flying is all in the lead type. And further propelled by its 9w1 fix and heart 'in the Two space'. Assange was Puck pranking around in the Forest of Information. Trickster. The Artful Dodger. Peter Pan.
Yes, the wiliness of a Puck and the triple positive unstoppable positive reframing of a Peter Pan.
I'll start here with the video below by Glenn Greenwald about his release, just because it's the one I happen to have at hand. Greenwald interviews him in 2010 (right before the Collateral Murder leak about the US Army targeting civilians in Iraq that made his name a household word) and asks him what Wikileaks is and he answers from 23'58" to 25'02". Can you count the number of Sevenisms in this short time span?
Now at 26'00" we see a photo of him from Time Magazine. Look, it's Peter Pan about to fly out the window!

Yes, the wiliness of a Puck and the triple positive unstoppable positive reframing of a Peter Pan.