so/SX 7w6(6w5)-3wX-9w1(8w9), L7 and falling?
Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
Is it 3w4(4w5)? He seems to have an avarice component beyond just 7 to 5. btw I'm not positive the 7 leads, not even positive it's 7 though he certainly seems to exemplify a socially dark Opportunistic Idealism. But this video is ALL head games--with solipsistically positive atitutude darkside, mega authority issues and heavy dollop of Avarice.
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:47 am, edited 6 times in total.
Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
I haven't watched his Good Morning America interview yet but it's in here. There's stuff I can't look at right now, it pisses me off so much. Hasan is one of 'em too.
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
@31'08"-33'55" on Grosskreutz' and Kyle's phones as evidence.
Grosskreutz and Binger (the prosecutor) should be ct activity partners but this whole thing was such an odd activity to pursue.
Grosskreutz and Binger (the prosecutor) should be ct activity partners but this whole thing was such an odd activity to pursue.
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
This is the group Grosskreutz is involved with. It seems a rather far cry from 'The People's Revolutionary Party". I don't think Barnes understands the shades of gray. This is exactly the kind of group my old downtown squatter friends would join and they're way too flakey to be soldiers of Allah. And so is Grosskreutz. (I think).
But that he is shady af there is no doubt. This whole case reeks of positive reframing, so much so it's delusional. I come back to the question: is Binger 9 lead?
But that he is shady af there is no doubt. This whole case reeks of positive reframing, so much so it's delusional. I come back to the question: is Binger 9 lead?
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 12:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
All this is making me think just how much Bernie Sanders stirred the pot with his "Our Revolution" rhetoric. As a coffee table Marxist from the tragically hip proto-Goth corners of Bohemia, I didn't see anything unusual about Bernie's bandying about 'revolution'. I didn't think it was very WISE but I didn 't think it was strange.
I figured, well when he was younger he WAS very radical and he knew it was going to be dredged up so he was dealing with his future critics by preemptively coopting their smear (similar to how gays coopted 'queer' and gangstas 'nnngah'). In so doing, Bernie captured the imagination of disaffected millennials by using the buzz word 'revolution' for a generic pre-Clinton Dem platform. He won something with it, he lost something with it.
He won "Bernie's army" but he lost Bernie's allies--blue, red and purple. The People's Revolution facebook group phenomenon is left to tell the tail.
I never thought Bernie was very bright but now with hind sight being 20/20 I am really starting to appreciate JUST how strange it was for him to sell himself as grandpa revolution.
I figured, well when he was younger he WAS very radical and he knew it was going to be dredged up so he was dealing with his future critics by preemptively coopting their smear (similar to how gays coopted 'queer' and gangstas 'nnngah'). In so doing, Bernie captured the imagination of disaffected millennials by using the buzz word 'revolution' for a generic pre-Clinton Dem platform. He won something with it, he lost something with it.
He won "Bernie's army" but he lost Bernie's allies--blue, red and purple. The People's Revolution facebook group phenomenon is left to tell the tail.
I never thought Bernie was very bright but now with hind sight being 20/20 I am really starting to appreciate JUST how strange it was for him to sell himself as grandpa revolution.
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:53 am, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
I should explain some of this more clearly.
Robert Barnes, the populist Republican lawyer who works with Viva Frei on youtube, watched all the available footage of that night in Kenosha, and he thought they were all in cahoots (Grosskreutz, Huber, Yellow Pants Man, and the Zaminskis) and that they instrumentalized Rosenbaum, the loose cannon, to start REAL trouble when they saw him screaming at the 2A people to shoot him.
There isn't NOTHING to it.
Zaminski and his wife were seen on video with Rosenbaum repeatedly and Zaminski was shooting from behind while he and Rosenbaum chased Kyle, and then he disappears when Rosenbaum actually accosts Kyle, and then after Kyle shoots Rosenbaum you hear Zaminski's WIFE-screaming get him! (Kyle). It's her according to Barnes but her voice is VERY clear. Then the Zaminskis weren't called to testify.
Something's very off here. But for Huber and Grosskreutz to have been in on it they would have had to be willing to die as suicide bomber soldiers of Allah. And you may find this willingness if someone is a member of 'the People's Revolutionary Party' but...
not...The People's Revolution Wisconsin. That just seems too close to "Our Revolution Wisconsin", which IS a Bernie Sanders concoction.
The People's Revolution, maybe. The People's Revolution WISCONSIN and with THAT friendly hands together logo, no.
But something is very very very off here.
Robert Barnes, the populist Republican lawyer who works with Viva Frei on youtube, watched all the available footage of that night in Kenosha, and he thought they were all in cahoots (Grosskreutz, Huber, Yellow Pants Man, and the Zaminskis) and that they instrumentalized Rosenbaum, the loose cannon, to start REAL trouble when they saw him screaming at the 2A people to shoot him.
There isn't NOTHING to it.
Zaminski and his wife were seen on video with Rosenbaum repeatedly and Zaminski was shooting from behind while he and Rosenbaum chased Kyle, and then he disappears when Rosenbaum actually accosts Kyle, and then after Kyle shoots Rosenbaum you hear Zaminski's WIFE-screaming get him! (Kyle). It's her according to Barnes but her voice is VERY clear. Then the Zaminskis weren't called to testify.
Something's very off here. But for Huber and Grosskreutz to have been in on it they would have had to be willing to die as suicide bomber soldiers of Allah. And you may find this willingness if someone is a member of 'the People's Revolutionary Party' but...
not...The People's Revolution Wisconsin. That just seems too close to "Our Revolution Wisconsin", which IS a Bernie Sanders concoction.
The People's Revolution, maybe. The People's Revolution WISCONSIN and with THAT friendly hands together logo, no.
But something is very very very off here.
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:07 pm, edited 8 times in total.
- Vincent
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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
Well, he is back at "kyle was an active shooter" and taking back what he said on the stand about pointing his gun at him.Roshan wrote: ↑Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:31 am I haven't watched his Good Morning America interview yet but it's in here. There's stuff I can't look at right now, it pisses me off so much. Hasan is one of 'em too.
As if nothing happened.
His explanation is just that "I think that during cross examination, it’s hard to say what you want to say."
Sounds like he is sure as hell that in an alternate universe, he would have won this.
My impression when i watched his testimony and cross-examination was that he walked there vastly over-estimating how smart and prepared he was.
And in that interview, he still doesn't seem to get how much he completely fumbled there.
- Vincent
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Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
Yeah, i'm still pretty sure Gaige is another NeFi wizard of Odds.
The thing is, in shadow, activty partners becomes conflictors.
But it seems like it never occured to any of them that there could and would be any conflict there.
Until Kyle's defense made it obvious for the whole world to see.
But then Gaige had 10 millions reasons to gamble and take his chance.
Re: Gaige Grosskreutz, star witness
What pisses me off so f'ing much about this character is that the only reason he's still alive is BECAUSE despite his probably concussed head Kyle showed so much restraint. He only shot him once, in the pistol arm. And this delusional opportunist 5 o'clock shadow Peter Pan tale spinner is going on prime time tv calling Kyle an active shooter, when he (Grosskreutz) despises prime time tv and Kyle does not.
This is consistent with what Vincent always says about how NeFi will go to the other side. Grosskreutz hates tv land middle America, Kyle loves it, but there's Grosskreutz teaming up with it against Kyle.
And people are so ASLEEP they buy it. It's so alarming!
Last edited by Roshan on Fri Nov 26, 2021 1:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.