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Ti v. Te shadowing

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:39 pm
by Roshan
We found Martin Shkreli on enneaforum to be a TiNe shadowing into TeNi. Another TiNe with a 'task master' (both as shadow and as halo) is oc our own Anthony.

I find Melania to be a withdrawn TeNi shadowing into TiNe. To me, when she takes all those pictures of that one building at different times of day it's as though she herself has become 'the cosmic clock', still embodied and still 'on task', 'on point', but now as a manifestation of the 'principles'.

Interestingly we typed them both as [sp/sx] 3w4 with 9.

Thoughts? Musings? Observations, ramifications?

Re: Ti v. Te shadowing

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:23 am
by Roshan
It seems to me that Ti lead should shadow into high functioning efficiency with low resolution of affective nuance. Effect >>>>> affect, so to say. Whereas Te lead's descent into Ti shadow should come off as being in some kind of alternate theoretical reality, whether the over-complexified theories are articulated incessantly and cartoonishly a la Morgue, or silently and perhaps grimly internalized and embodied, a la Melania. Or some, any, combination thereof.

So Ti in shadow, more conventionally (and relentlessly) 'high functioning'; Te in shadow, something 'offbeat', something 'dancing to the sound of a different drummer'--that is, if moving at all.

Re: Ti v. Te shadowing

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:36 am
by Roshan
It seems to me that, among the introverts, Ti frame has the highest reality focus. The 'first principles' it intently seeks to arrive at are the principles of what reality consists of. And so in shadow, Ti frame becomes 'hyperreal', and hyperfunctional. Whereas Te frame goes 'into its own world'. because Te frame at low levels isn't nearly nuanced or contemplative enough to hold onto the 'first principles of what reality consists of' of Ti. The neurons will fire fast enough, connections will be made, but...they won't be about either action (Te) or about first principles (Ti). They'll be...about themselves firing.