One thing that really seems to stand out about him is his intuitive understanding of explosions. "I can make a bigger bang than that, dear."
I spent some time listening (relistening) to his songs. Every single one is composed of these slow, precise lyrical and rhythmic pressure increases until he finally releases them, creating a "bang," and then you get "we are the champions, my friends..."—like he's continually building these highly complex bombs and setting them off in his songs. I wonder if this is him grasping for Se, or perhaps his Sx influence...
Energetically he reminds me of a slightly less seductive, more coiled version of Russell Brand. I expect this is primarily their enneagrammatic similarity, though.
I agree with what you told me,
Roshan. His songs
really do not seem Ti PoLR, and to me, they don't even seem low Ti.
In line with TeNi, Fe role seems very plausible in his interviews, and I find it difficult not to see him as judging dominant with instrumental intuition.
If he had valued Fe/Ti axis, I would expect a more evident focus on 'manner of articulation
for the interviewers/conversation partner(s)/audience' (hopefully that makes sense), while his speech alone seems primarily utilitarian, Te-ish (as do some other things about him). However, I'm not exactly sure I would say this about someone like Jordan Peterson...though it seems like a substantial reason behind his resonance with people was that he too expressed with a sort of "bang"(as opposed to say, sort of monotonous Ti-ish dissertations).
These are some thoughts, tbcd.